Putting a few pieces back together...

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(Sans POV)

"B-boss?" I was shaking at this point but it still hurts to move.
"YOU PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR, AND I HAD TO CLEAN UP THAT FILTHY MESS." He turned around and left the room. He didn't raise his voice like before, I wonder why. But I decide against my curiosity and just stayed silent. I didn't want to anger Boss more. I try get up but I felt a shot of pain in my spine.
"Ack!-" I quickly covered my mouth as I attempt to ease the pain. I try my best to keep silent as best as I could. I guess Boss did show me mercy...I felt a yawn escape from me, sleep sounds nice. Without a second thought, I was out in a flash.

(Papyrus POV)

"Hm?" I heard a noise coming from San's room a few moments after I just walked out. It's probably nothing since his leg is indeed broken and snapped in half. I trailed down the stairs and into the living area. I looked over the railing where I dropped Sans, I never expected him to actually cry in front of me like that, I thought he already knows how to hold in that pain. And for the first time in a long time, I actually showed concern for that little runt. I looked at the carpet, there's a little bit of bone marrow there but it's barley noticeable. But you can really smell it if your close enough or if your a dog. *DING DONG!* Oh great, I look at the grandfather clock that we have and looked at the time, it's already midnight. And I have a meeting with Undyne tomorrow about my position as 2nd in command.
"MIGHT AS WELL GET SOME SHUT EYE. FOR NOW." I check the entire house over at least twice to make sure everything is locked tight and secure. I rather not deal with intruders again. Once I check the windows I went back up the stairs into my room. But before I putted my hand on the door knob of my door, I glanced at San's room. I quickly got into my room and open my closet. I got out a spare folded blanket and pillow I keep just incase if something were to happen, we at least have some spares. I got out of the closet and went towards San's room. I walk in to find a my sleeping little brother all curled up in a ball on the bedroom floor.
"*sigh* What am I going to do with you?"
The only response I got was Sans curling up a bit more, I also noticed that he was unconsciously holding his broken leg. I still remember that entire event. I actually feel bad for Sans but at the same time, I feel satisfied. I shook my head and get to the task at hand. I quietly walked and kneel next to my sleeping little brother and lightly lift his head and place the pillow under his tiny fragile and cracked skull and put it slowly and lightly down. Next I unfolded the blanket and put it over his tiny form. I see him snuggle into the blanket, he must've been feeling a little cold. He has a little tiny smile on his face, he looks...happy. I forgot what it looked like to see Sans smile...I felt smile blossoming on my scared skull. This...this is a nice feeling. I decided to get up from the floor but...a tiny hand was grabbing two of my fingers. I tried to pry them off softy and lightly but he had a grip of iron.
"I guess I'm not leaving aren't I?"
The only response I got was his tiny grip becoming tighter.
"Alright, fine."
I picked Sans up, making sure I don't awaken him and went towards my own bedroom. Once I entered the room I lay Sans on my bed as he snuggles into the the pillow, he's so small since the pillow is nearly his size. I close my door and headed towards my closet once more and started to change into my sleeping attire which was really a red large T-shirt and some dark gray shorts, I walk back to the bed and silently lay next to my sleeping brother, immediately upon my contact of my bed, he's started to cuddle. He was even trying to get on my chest, I guess he still likes the comfort of my soul's beats, even when he's sleeping. I gently pick him up and lay him on my chest.
"So smol."
He was literally like the size of my rib cage, he lays perfectly on there. I sigh, to think that I the Great Papyrus, once the 2nd in command of the Royal guard, the terror among Snowdin, is allowing his own sibling to cuddle with him. I decided that thinking about all of that would be for tomorrow instead. I let my eye sockets flutter shut, as I felt another snuggle of the tiny figure on my chest shift a little. Maybe, just maybe, I could be a little bit nicer to him.

To be continued!

Wowie! That took a while! But it worked! I tried to make little brother Sans as cute as possible!!

That's all for now!! Bye bye!! :3

Putting You Back Together (An Underfell fanfiction) {On Haitus ATM}Where stories live. Discover now