Customer Type #10: The Ones Who Want The Details

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"Hello, ma'am, I'm Hudson Ellis - I'm a representative of the charity Man's Best Friend. You may have heard of us?"

Piper rolls her eyes, but it's almost pointless considering the small smile playing on her lips. "Shut up, Hudson."

"I have the boxset," he informs her gravely, holding up the aforementioned collection. 

"And I have the popcorn," she replies in just as similar a tone. They stare at each other intently for a moment, before Hudson breaks out into a wide grin. "Let's watch Game of Thrones!" he exclaims brightly.

Piper rolls her eyes, but moves for him to come inside. 

"Nice flat," Hudson compliments, flopping down onto the couch after taking off his shoes at the door.

"Like you haven't seen the inside of it before," Piper retorts, taking the boxset from where he's left it on the coffee table and kneeling to put the first disc into the player. 

"Well, not properly," he says, concentrating on looking around him and not Piper because she's kneeling down and not facing him and they all know what that means.

"Uh, yes, properly," she turns around, having pressed play, and heads back to the couch. "Those floor-to-ceiling windows don't leave much to the imagination," she teases, elbowing him in the stomach.

"Ouch," Hudson rubs the injured part of his body with a pout. "Okay, that's true. I can't believe the landlord won't let us put curtains up just because he doesn't want holes drilled into the wall."

"Eh, I don't know, I quite like it," Piper says lightly, reaching for the remote whilst grabbing a handful of popcorn (the sure sign of a veteran TV marathoner). Hudson tries his best to stop his heart from skipping too many beats, and shoves popcorn into his mouth to stop himself from saying anything, because he doesn't really trust himself to do that without something stupid being the result.

"Daenerys is such a badass," Piper says around halfway through the first episode. Hudson hums in agreement. 

"She's really hot, too," he sighs. Piper elbows him in the stomach yet again, and he lets out a squeal in protest.

"What was that for?" he whines.

"For objectifying her," she retorts without removing her eyes from the screen.

"I was not!" he denies. "I was just pointing out how beautiful the genes of her parents came together to make her! I was appreciating the wonders of biology!"

"Whatever, Hudson."

"Can't look," Hudson declares, covering his eyes as yet another maiming takes place onscreen. 

"Wimp," Piper mutters. 

"Is it over?" he asks meekly, ignoring her comment and peeking throught the gaps between his fingers. He can practically hear Piper rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. You can look."

Hudson lets out a sigh of relief. "Jeez, I hate that stuff."

"Really?" Piper asks with mock-interest. "I never would have guessed."

Hudson, lacking a suitable comeback, chooses instead to stick his tongue out at her. She snorts. "Real mature of you, Hudson," she tells him.

Hudson sniffs. "Maturity iwould be lost on you, anyway."

"Is that so?" Piper arches a brow, and Hudson resists the urge to shout please don't do that because it's really sexy and it makes me want to jump your bones literally right here in the middle of your living room

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