Chapter 5. Firts day of hell part 2

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I put my earphones on and play some All time low while I tried to understand this map. Aaah fuck it I'll try without this shit. I ripped this stupid map in pieces and I shove it in my backpack. Lego.


After 10 minutes

Okay. I'm officially lost. I walked in circles for 10 fucking minutes! Sometimes I'm so stupid! Wait a minute. At least I can find my locker. I have locker number 270. I looked around saw that the locker next to me has number 250 on it. I'm on the right way. I walked 10 steeps ahead and with my eyes on my locker I bumped into someone and we both fall butt first on the floor.

"Sorry. I didn't saw you there. I was looking into my playlist." a petite girl with red hair said and came to help me to stand up.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going neither." I said and I gave her a smile. I don't know why, but I think that we are going to be good friends.

"Oh. You are new here! You must be one of the new students! Do you want me to show you around?" she asked with a big smile.

I looked closer at her. She is smaller than me. I think she is 5'0" feet tall and I am 5'3" tall. She has red fierce hair and from the half length down starts an orange color and it easily fades to yellow and her eye are chocolate brown. She looks like a cute teddy with those brown eyes. She is wering a black t-shirt which had write on it in big bold letters BTS, black shorts, a pair of long black socks and a pair of white running Puma shoes. She looks like my kind of person.

"Okay, sure. First I need to find my locker. That's what I was doing when I bumped into you."

"What number is your locker?" she asked alredy looking around.

"Number 270."

Her eyes goes big and twinkle in excitement. "Really?!!" she said excited the grab my wrist and dragged me 10 steps ahead and then we stopped in front of a round of lockers. "This" she said and pointed her finger at a locker " is yours and this" she said and moved her finger to the next locker "It's mine." she finished with a smile.

"Yeyy!! I made a new friend. And a locker buddy. This is a good start." I said and she started to laugh. "Now, if it's not too much, can you tell me were all my classrooms are? Because I may or may not ripped into pieces my school map."

She laugh even harder this time. "Yes, you've won a friend, a locker buddy and I'll show you around where everything is because I" she pointed her finger at her and wiggled her eyebrows "like you. We will be best friends. Oh wait first. What do you think about food?"

My eyes grow big. "Food is bae. Food is life."

"Yep. We're going to be best friends. Now, show me your schedule."

I fished my schedule from my backpack and give it to her.

Her eyes twinkled again. "I'm a sophomore too and we have the same classes except the first one. I have AP Geography. But I'll show you your classroom."

"Oh God, thank you. If I wouldn't have bumped into you right now I think I would have been still in front of the Secretary. Oh and where and my manners. I'm Shadow Light Thunder but you can call me Lighty and I adore your hair!!" I said and I extended my hand for her to shake.

She looked at my like I grow 2 heads. "I'm Spark O'Connor but you can call me Sparky. And you have an awesome name and I love your blue hair too!!!" she then slapped my hand away and pulled me in a hug. "And we are gonna have fun this year."

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