Day 23

23 2 7

A letter to someone, anyone.

Whoopty-do. How fun! I should write a love letter~ Jk!

*goes on stage and holds mic*

I hate inequality, so this letter dedicated to you Mr. Pan!

*crowd cheers*

Dear Mr. Pān,

You should treat your students equally. Students are complaining that you favor only light skinned Asians or whites. It's obvious even for someone who isn't your student: me. My club is in your room at lunch.

You shouldn't be discriminating? You're a teacher. Because of that, you should fix the way you speak to your students or the way you grade your papers. No, actually do both. Many students' confidence and pride were damaged due to your verbally abusive attitude.

Yes, you're older, but that's not a plausible excuse for you to be horrendously rude to the young. People are people. Students always say that it's because you're an old Chinese guy. I have a little Chinese blood in myself, but let's not bring race or age into this because in terms of equality, it doesn't matter. Are you reading this closely? Race. Doesn't. Matter.

We're all equal.

And if you don't like it here, transfer out of this school a.k.a one of the most diverse high school in California and one of the largest in the nation.

If you hate the people here, go up into Northern California. I'm sure you'll like it there.

All the other teachers have all of these so called "friend groups," but you, you're still alone after decades of working as a teacher. And you wonder why? Try to find that out yourself.

Actually no. I'll tell you. Maybe you haven't noticed that you have a superiority complex. You're attitude towards teachers isn't professional at the least. Looking down and talking rudely at people who are at the same position as you, is bound to make you dislike and avoided. I hope you noticed that. 

If you want to know who I am, you won't be able to. But here are two clues anyways: I'm the same person who wrote you that email in 9th grade, and I have glasses.

Sincerely yours,

p.s. it's never too late to change.


Yokoro here! ;)
If you think racism doesn't exist anymore, you're incorrect. It's real, and it's not just a black and white thing. Throw in some red and yellow and the rest of the rainbow into the lava.

Where do I live?

The story is a bit outdated, but it's not like anything changed.


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