Ann was on a metal table knock out
After a 1 hr she stared to wake up .
Pinky pie : Ann Ann wake up Ann .
Ann : pinky why I'm I tie down .
Pinky pie : I need to make cupcake and you have the special ingredient.
Minky pie : You knock out for a 1 hr but your finally awake now the fun can stared .
Ann : what do you mean .
And gest then the light flicked one sowing the the rest of the room . Lungs were tied like balloons, and intestines where hang up like streamers . Ann laugh
Inky pie : why are you laughing is this a joke to you .
Blinkie pie : are you stupid where going to kill you and your laughing.
Minky pie started at her . Her green eyes starting into Ann blue one .
Minky pie was a mare whit a dark gray hide and dark blue hair she had a lock cutie mark .
Ann : this amazing how long have this been happed
Minky pie :a long time over ten years . your not lying . you in joy this
Ann : yes I don't know why but I do
Babseed : I think she can join us right pinky
Pinky pie : I don't know were keep her in the celler . just in case . but were going to show what we do and if you lie we KILL YOU
Pinky pie gave a evil grin .
Blink pie : are we still going to make cupcakes
Pinky pie : of course but let's get the next number .
Apple bloom and derpy hadn't said for they were surprise .
Ann : I be here I guess
Me : this was 269 words long . 😀