Chapter One

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It has been three years since I left Harry in Ireland. Andres and Darcy arrived a weekafter I got to the United States; and, my friend, Karen, was letting me stay with her until I was able to support my children and myself.

I have been watching the news, watching as Harry's band got even more famous than they once were. He has changed a lot since I last saw him.

My children know who One Direction are and that Harry is their father; but, they don't know why I left. I sometimes imagine what would happen if I saw him again.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," my beautiful Darcy said as she walked over to me. I looked at the clock and saw it was seven in the morning.

"Go play with Andres and I will get breakfast ready," I said as I went into the kitchen and Darcy went to find Andres. I made a few pancakes and a glass of chocolate milk for each of them before calling them to the kitchen.

While they were eating, I went and got ready. I took a quick shower and dried my hair before getting dressed in an outfit that looked professional. When I was done, the kids had just finished their food. I took them to their room to get ready before taking them to the daycare center. They gave me a hug before going with the teacher and I headed to work. I worked at the local grocery store as a cashier and stocker. I live in a small town outside of Las Angeles. California. Karen was right down the block and we saw each other often.

Five hours later, my shift was over and I went to pick up Andres and Darcy.

"Mommy!" Darcy exclaimed as she and Andres came over to hug me. We left the daycare and headed home as I asked them how their day went, listening to their stories.

When we got in the house, I put them down for a nap and started cleaning a bit. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Karen walked in.

"We're going to a concert tomorrow," she said with a mischevious glint in her eye. She knew everything that happened with me in the past. She waved a couple tickets in the air as I waited to know the name of the band.

"What about the kids?" I asked, knowing any concert she would want to go to is too loud for the kids.

"My sister, Victoria, lives right by the venue. She has agreed to watch them while we go to the concert,"

I nodded, agreeing to her plan.

"What band is playing?" I asked. She handed me a ticket and I saw 'One Direction' across the top. I sighed and handed her the ticket.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I asked.

"Yes, you need to see him again. You can't stop thinking about him and I know he misses you," Karen said.

"He's probably forgot about me," I said. Karen shook her head.

"Have you heard their new songs?" She asked me. I shook my head and she grabbed her phone, scrolling then playing a song. The sweet melody drifted out of the speakers and I listened to the lyrics.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might, give up everything just ask me to. Pay attention, I hope that you listen, cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless.

For your eyes only, I show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only..

A tear slipped down my cheek and I wiped it away as she paused the song.

"I sent him a message on twitter and asked him who the song was about. He said the only person on his mind when he sings that, is you," she said.

"Okay, lets go," I said. She smiled and sat on the couch. We started planning how the next evening might go, laughing all the while.


It has been three years since I have seen her. I have not forgotten her,nor have I moved on.

"Harry! Get out here! We need to start rehersal, the concert's in three hours," Zayn said, glaring at me. He still hates Crystal and I haven't found out why. I walked over to the boys and we started the rehersal off our new album, Made in the A.M. When we were done with rehersal two hours later, I immediately went and got my phone, looking at my background. The photo was on Crystal and I. I was smiling at her while she was laughing at something I had said. She looked so beautiful it took my breath away. Sooner than I realised it was time to get ready for the concert. I went and got changed and prepared myself before joining the boys behind the curtian. The countdown began, and the curtian lifted as we launched into the first song on the setlist, Hey Angel. I felt a familiar presence as my parts came and went. Then my eyes met hers. My mouth kept on singing but my eyes wouldn't move. Crystal was here, looking more beautiful than ever. The songs ended, the lights came on, and I went backstage.


The concert was really good. I noticed Harry staring at me most of the time, the girls around me freaking out because they thought they had his attention, though I knew he was only looking at me. When the concert ended Karen started talking to other fans, so I headed to the water fountain to get a drink.

"Hello," a familiar voice said, causing me to freeze. I slowly lifted my torso up and turned around to see Harry standing there. My heart started hammering in my chest at the sight of the man I fell in love with three years ago.

"Hi," I managed. He smiled at the sound of my voice, showing those cute dimples in his cheeks. I smiled back and heard Karen calling me.

"I have to go," I said as I started walking toward Karen. Harry grabbed my arm gently, causing me to turn.

"Can we talk soon?" he asked.

"Maybe," I said as I followed Karen to her car and we went to pick up the children.

An hour later we arrived back at the house. The children were fast asleep and I was tired as well. I got out and picked up Andres, Karen got Darcy, and we went to put them in bed. I gently kissed each of their foreheads and walked over to the door with Karen.

"Thanks for getting me to go," I said to Karen.

 "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow," She said. I nodded as she left and I went upstairs to shower. I was sweaty from being at the concert. After my shower, I got my pajamas on and turned off the light before getting in bed and falling asleep.

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