3. Acceptance, Mistakes, and Forgivness

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New Objective(s): Learn that failure isn't a bad thing.

    After breakfast, Steven asked Bucky, "Do you have, like, a training area somewhere in the building? It's just that... I still have a lot on my mind after you and Steve rescued me and... I thought it might be nice to work off some of the tension."

    Bucky nodded, "I'll show you where it is."

    The Tower seemed like a maze to Steven at first, nothing but long hallways and rooms; however, he froze as he noticed the similarities between where he had been kept by Hydra and the Tower. He became even more nervous as he spotted the training room that was filled with complex equipment he'd never seen before.

    "It's a little daunting, hmm?" Bucky noticed Steven's reluctance to enter the new space. He knew this had to be quite difficult for the kid and knew to take it nice and slow, like Steve had done with him. After allowing Steven to explore the space a bit more and get comfortable, Bucky then asked, "You want to spar really quick?"

    Another soft expression of confusion graced the teen's features, "You want to spar with me?"

    Bucky's fists were taped up and covered with the gloves in no time, "Sure. Let's see what you can do."

    Steven donned a pair of gloves and sank into his fighting stance. Every fiber of his being had been built for this sort of thing anyway, so he lunged forward first with his fists guarding his midsection. The two of them danced around the designated ring and Bucky was the first to get a real hit on Steven's side. A soft growl left Steven as he retreated a safe distance, circling around Bucky like a wolf, looking for an opening in the defense. The teen sprang at the veteran yet again and this time connected with Bucky's knee. He pressed the advantage and soon tackled Bucky to the mats, his gloved metal fist hovering a few inches from Bucky's face.

    Both of them slowly untangled themselves from each other and Bucky nodded slowly, "You were right... They did make you better than me, kid."

    "... Maybe this was a bad idea," Steven suddenly said without looking at Bucky. He slowly removed the gloves and headed towards an old punching bag, assumed his stance, and began to beat on the bag.

    "I don't think it was such a terrible idea," Bucky said as he moved to hold the bag steady for the teen, "You showed a restraint that I've never seen before back there. I probably would have punched you if our positions had been switched..."

    A heavy sigh left Steven as he slugged the bag yet again, "I'm tired of being seen as just a weapon that someone can use at the drop of a hat. I... I want to be more than that... You know?"

    The veteran knew exactly what this teenager was going through right now. He himself had gone through the same exact things with Steve over the past few months. His words were chosen with care as he said, "I've been going through some of the same things you're currently going through, kid, and I'll tell you that it only gets harder from here on in. It takes a lot of courage and strength to change what they've been pounding into your brain for years. Just... don't get discouraged if you have any setbacks. Tomorrow will be a new day for you to try again and I'll be happy to help you with anything you begin to struggle with."

    Steven thanked his new friend and fellow amputee before asking him, "Bucky, why has Peggy been so tense around me? I mean, I understand that I'm, how you say, the new kid on the block, but it seems like there could be more to it than that."

    Bucky replied, "Let me tell you something, kid. I was with her parents, Steve and his wife Sharon, the night Peggy was born. I helped raise her, but as she grew older, she only grew more complicated in some areas. One of those areas is something every father dreads: how his daughter feels about boys." He noticed that Steven had stopped punching the bag and explained a little more, "Steve loves Peggy with all his heart, but he can be more than a little... clingy with her at times. I think part of the reason why she's so nervous near you is that deep down, she likes you, but she might be worried about how her dad might feel."

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