The news (part 1)

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- Azarath Metrion Zinthos... Azarath Metrion Zinthos... Azarath Metrion Zinthos...
I find myself in Azarath for a couple of days. My mother asked me to visit her because apparently there's some news regarding me and my future. I don't exactly know if should worry about it or just let my head think about something else.
When my mother needs to talk to me about my future I never feel safe... especially after what happened in the past.

- Azarath Metrion Zinthos... Azarath Me...
- Good evening, my child.
There she is. Whenever I see her I feel overwhelming emotions I can't even explain to myself. Even if she didn't have the chance to raise me as a child and we spent just a little time together, I feel endless love for Arella. After all, she is my mother.
- Good evening, mother. Here I am to listen.
She puts her hand on my shoulder and she looks sad. More than usual. Oh no, there's the bad news then.
- Raven... I didn't want you to get involved in this but... I had no chance. They threatened me.
- Involved in what? Who threatened you?
I start to feel really nervous. I get a really bad feeling about this.
- I can't tell you yet, but... you just need to know this: Raven... you're the chosen one.
- The chosen one? What do you mean "I am the chosen one"? Mother... please! I need to know.
- You've been chosen to pursue your mission as being the princess of Azarath since its rebuilding. But to do so... you...
She starts sobbing and slowly kneel on the ground.
- What? What do I need to do? - I bend down and I stroke her wet cheek.
- ... You need to get married.

A few months earlier....

- Hhhhhheyyyyy Rrrrrrraven!
- What, Beast Boy?
- I've got waaaaaaaaffles!
Duh... figure he wouldn't try and corrupt me with waffles.
- So what? Do you expect me to come out my room just for that?
- Oh come on Rae Rae! You know you love 'em...
- Of course I do... just... I'm not really hungry right now.
- You could always enjoy our company in the kitchen!
- "Enjoy" isn't exactly a word you can find in my vocabulary.
- Arrrgh... stop being such a buzzkill, mama! You need to have some fun sometimes!
- I would, if you stopped acting like a jerk trying to convince me to get out. I don't wanna go and I don't wanna eat waffles. Now... do you mind leaving me alone?
I hear him snorting from behind the door. I can just think about the face he makes when he's pissed at me. That kinda made me smile for a second.
- Fine... you buzzkill!

Whatever. I don't wanna go.
Since we welcomed, or I should say THEY welcomed Terra again at the tower, I don't feel comfortable knowing she's hanging around what we considered our home. That was just OURS. Not to act like a freaky territorial girl, but I consider myself done with Terra. She might have gained other's trust back, but not mine for sure. Didn't trust her in the past, glad to have done so, she came back, turned out she was messing with us, didn't trust her again, and in the end she disappeared. Who's gonna tell me she really has changed? And that she won't get us in trouble another time? Or worse... that she won't fall under Slade's control or some other villain again? This isn't just right. It doesn't sound safe at all.

Good thing she's only staying here temporarely before finding a new home. At least there's some spark of hope she'll be out anytime soon. Couldn't the Teen Titans East take her under their wings? God... I'm thinking too much about this whole thing. I should just relax instead.
Who knows... she might be gone sooner than what I expect.

I probably know why she wants to stay here anyways: it's Beast Boy. And of course he's glad to have her around. We all know he has ever had a crush on her since the first time he laid eyes on her. I don't blame him... I've gotta admit she's a good looking girl, but Beast Boy, being so blinded by his feelings, cannot understand beauty isn't the only thing that matters.
Although, I seriously doubt that a couple like them could last longer than a few months. They're both too exuberant, impulsive and immature... Beast Boy is immature...

As soon as I realize I'm thinking about Beast Boy being immature, I notice that a light shade of pink enlighten my cheeks. I feel warmer all of a sudden.
Ok, let's get it straight to the point: Our spaces and having our home back, aren't the only reasons I want Terra to get away from here. The main reason is... oh God, I can't believe I'm actually gonna say this... the reason is because of my relationship with Beast Boy.
I feel like something has changed from a couple of years ago. Our trust and intimacy is developing day by day and I'm starting to know him better, going beyond the silly facade he puts up around us. And I don't wanna lose a possible chance to become more for him because of a blond manipulative traitor.

I've always wanted someone who was able to understand me, know me for who I really am, and somebody who I could really enjoy spending my time with... but I haven't found anybody who's capable to do this so far, except Beast Boy when he acts serious.
I always feel uncomfortable around people, that's why my teammates consider me as a socially awkward person, but they don't blame me for that, it's just me... it's just... who I need to be.
But sometimes is hard to understand why I need to be alone so much, why I need to meditate and concentrate to keep my powers under control. I can't just let myself go. And this is why when I think about a possible relationship with someone, I know is probably never gonna happen. It looks like nobody is really able to understand what's behind my silence... the truth is, there is someone who's desperate to share her feelings, but can't, because of the strenght of her dangerous powers.

If I'd let myself go, I can't even imagine what could happen. All I can see is distruction, misery and pain. So for the good of humanity I'm destined to hide my feelings forever, no matter how hard it is to do so. I just hope to be freed from my curse one day and get the chance to live the rest of my life as my real self, free to express my feelings and far from my father's Trigon influence.

This was the first chapter of what is going to be a reaaaaally long book... I hope you enjoyed it... I had fun writing this and I can't wait to write the next one.
Please follow me and support this story if you like it and if you want me to write more... I won't disappoint you, I promise! ;)
Thank you all in advance.

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