Flying To Azarath

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Hi guys... I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a while but it's been a really hard time for me and my family lately. I don't mean to upset anybody, but I lost two close people who died in a period of nearly 3 months so... Yeah.
I know you prolly don't care (cause I don't have so many followers after all haha) but still, I hate disappointing people and don't keep promises so from now on I really want to try and update AT LEAST once a week.
Anyways... Did you pack your things? Cause we're flying to Azarath with the Teen Titans!


This is the day. I can't still believe that today I'm gonna meet the man who will be my husband for the rest of my life. I don't want it to happen, we can't let it!
My anger takes the best on me and I furiously break some stuff on the nightstand with a punch. I start bleeding but my cuts happen to heal themselves faster than I thought.
Then, I watch myself in the mirror: It looks like in just four days, I lost all my spark. My eyes are baggy for the lack of sleep, my cheeks are saggy and I feel like I aged at least ten years.
I close the zip on the last packed bag and I sit on the bed. I don't want to leave the tower and my friends. I don't want that to be my life from now on!
I take a deep breath, crawl onto the bed sinking my face into the pillow and let out a scream nobody will be able to hear.


I open my eyes hearing the alarm clock and I set it off. I cover my face with the bedsheets and I moan. Oh boy... Such a horrible day is gonna be! I've never felt so unwilling to get up and... Do I need to point out that after all we are talking about ME?!
I keep rolling between the sheets, trying to avoid and see this horrifying day starting, but soon I realize I have to get up and hurry.

- Beasty, wake up! We gotta go soon and we are late already.
I don't even answer to Cyborg.
- BB, are you in there?
- Mmmm...
- Is everything ok bro?
- Mmmmm...
- C'mon you lazy sloth! - he laughs - I know you want to sleep but we have no time.
- Aight... Coming... - I finally answer.

As soon as I reach the kitchen I see such long faces. Robin looks so nervous reading the newspaper, Cyborg tries to hide his sadness standing at the stove, Starfire seems still confused (she probably didn't understand if she is supposed to be happy or sad about Raven getting married) and then I see her, from the back of her shoulders: Raven, sipping on her herbal tea.
I suddenly feel my heart sinking, an uncomfortable sense of pain to my stomach and my eyes filling with tears. Usually I'm able to lift everybody's mood during days like this, but today I really feel too down to even care about eating.
Last night, Raven left me shattered and heartbroken, even though she doesn't know. Of course not, cause I'm an idiot! I should have made up my mind earlier about my feelings...but I swear, I though Terra was the girl I craved to be with more than anyone else.
Clearly, I was wrong.

- I thought we could all have a nice last breakfast together guys. - said Cyborg smiling melancholically. - So I made a dozen waffles for everybody! Serve yourself.
He places the plate on the table but nobody seems to be hungry enough to take the first one. A brief period of silence follows.
- Guys... I know we are all upset about today but... We have to stay strong, all together. For Raven.
- Friend Robin is correct. We have to try and enjoy the eating of the breakfast with friend Raven... For the last time.
Even Star couldn't pretend to be happy and make us smile like she's able to do usually.
- Thanks Robin... Starfire... And Cyborg. I appreciate everything you're doing for me but this is not necessary. Seriously. I'll be fine.
Suddenly I can't take it anymore and I burst out all the anger I feel.
- You won't be fine Raven!! Nobody will be if you leave the team!
- Beast Boy!
- No Robin, we can't let her go! We can't let him have her!
- Beast Boy... - Raven interrupts me, putting an hand on my arm. - It was my choice.
- So marrying a man you don't even know was your choice?!
-... No. But if it's what it takes to save and protect my mother and my people, then I'm willing to take this responsibility.
- And live with this burden for the rest of your life?!
- I have no choice. End of the story.

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