The news (part 2)

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Am I ever glad to see the sunrise once in a while! If I have the chance to, why don't just make the most of it? I usually sleep until late, but not today.

I'm walking to the tower's roof to admire this stunning view closer and once I reach the top I see her: blond, skinny and lost in her thoughts. Terra is enjoying the sunrise, she preceded me! So I think I'm going to sit next to her, trying not to startle her.

- Looks like we got the same idea uh?
- Beast Boy! I didn't expect you to be here. You usually don't wake up before 10 or 11 in the morning.
How could I blame her for thinking that? She's damn right.
- Well, I was woken up by seagulls and the sound of ocean weaves, cause last night I forgot to close my window. Then I realized how early in the morning it was and I noticed the sun was rising so I thought "Uhm... I'm up already, so might as well take the chance to enjoy this nature's everyday gift".
Terra giggles. She reminds me of a little girl and I find it adorable and heartmelting.
- You're right BB. This is wonderful. I can only realize now how much I really missed all of this beauty when I was under Slade's control. It was like... being trapped inside your worst nightmare.
- I'm sorry Terra. It must have been the worst experience of your life.
- I guess... but I'm glad it's all gone. I just want to leave the past in the past and start a new life from the very beginning. Nobody is going to take advantage of me ever again or use my powers to hurt other people. I've grown up, I can now recognize my strengths and weaknesses, so I'm very hopeful that I won't lose control of myself and my powers another time.
- Well said! And if you ever feel like you're going back to the dark side... just give me a call... and I bet I'm going to change your mind fast!

I start to tickle her everywhere, making her laugh.
- BB, stop, please! I have to catch my breath! .... Oh my... this is unfair!
I find myself giggling and laughing with her and after a while I decide to give it a rest.
- You always make my day Beast Boy. You're amazing.
She's looking into my eyes... her eyes are so deep and the colours covering the sky at this time are only making them look even more intense. I can feel my cheeks getting warm all of a sudden.
- Beast Boy?
- Yes Terra?
Our voices softened and we're not noisy and playful anymore. Oh oh... this thing's getting serious. I think I'm gonna catch fire due to spontaneous combustion.
- You know what else I missed when I was imprisoned?
- Uhm... I... don't have any idea... maybe... - she starts tilting towards my face - ...that delicious pie you made me try that one time, remember?
Oh god, I must look like a total idiot with a goofy smile right now. Nice move Beast Boy. If she thought you were a total asshole the first time you tried to take her out, I don't even wanna know about what she's thinking of me in this instant.
- No... although... it was delicious right? But is not that...
Terra shifts a tuft of wild hair that wouldn't stay still because of the wind and she takes the opportunity to slightly touch behind my ear.
- Uhm...I got it! You missed... my pointy ears didn't you? - I wink at her trying to look jaunty.
- Pretty close...
I'm running out of ideas. A little help here? Hello?! I wish my brain would stay on during those moments, but every single time it has to turn off!
- Beast Boy... I missed you.

Terra places her hand on mine and she strokes it gently. My heart rate rumbles in my head like crazy. I don't know what to do!
I should know what I want, I was sure of what I wanted at least since 5 minutes ago. Why is it so hard for me to let myself go and fully enjoy this moment? A moment I was waiting for since she was gone. Why does everything I craved so much to have, instantly doesn't have so much of a meaning once it's going to happen? I cannot understand. Maybe I just need to relax.

Beast Boy, be a man for once in your life! Come on! You have the girl of your dreams right in front of you and you're not going to do anything about it? No way... What if she's going to go away again if you don't make any move? Oh no... NOT-THIS-TIME- AGAIN.
- I... missed you too Terra. A lot. And I'm glad you're back.
- I also forgot something... something I didn't have the chance to give you when we went on our first date together.
- And what would it be? - this time, I'm the one who leans towards her. Way to go! My inner proud is throwing a party!
- Well... since we have been interrupted... I would like to start from that...exact...moment.

First, I feel the tip of her nose against mine. Then we find ourselves face to face. And finally, our eyes close and our mouths join.
I can feel her lips shaking a bit, but so are mine. I savour her taste in our long, deep kiss... and while my tongue meets hers, I breathe in her scent... this is magic... Raven's scent....
Wait. WHAT?!
I open my eyes while I'm still in the middle of the kiss with Terra and I see Raven behind us, looking away, holding her arms folded and tapping her foot. Me and Terra immediately pull away from each other and we turn around, as embarassed as ever, to ask Raven what she's doing here.
In response, Raven glares at us showing no emotions, her face is flat as usual and she lets out an impatient sigh.
- Sorry to interrupt your amazing saliva's exchange... but I cannot wait longer to go.
- Raven! Where are you going? - I ask while I still try to loosen up the atmosphere.
- I'm going to Azarath. But I won't stay long. Just wanted to inform you, before you throw a tantrum to the rest of the team because you got to know I was gone from them and not from me. Like the other times.
- Hehe! Sorry. - I smile embarassed. - What will you do in Azarath by the way? You never go there. That's weird.
- It's my mother. She said she needs to talk to me about something important.
- Which iiiiiiis?
- I have no idea.

We spend a few seconds looking at each other awkwardly. She raises an eyebrow, gives Terra a quick look and then stares right back at me.
- I've gotta go now.
Before I can even aswer that, she raises up in the sky and she flies away.
- Raven, wait! You forgot to give me a hug!
Terra comes close and she looks at me with a puzzled look.
- Uhm... since when does she hug you?
I soon realize that Raven never hugged me spontaneously. Once more, Terra makes a good point.
- Guess you're right Terra. Well, sunrise's gone and so it's our magic moment. Ugh... time to have breakfast then. I'm sorry it ended so abruptly.
- Doesn't matter. We'll have the chance to make it happen again. - She winks at me while smiling.

I wonder why Raven's going to Azarath. She hasn't seen her mother in a long time, but why would it take 2 days or more just to discuss something? I hope that for "important" she doesn't mean anything dark, dangerous, lethal or which includes deathly kidnapping with aliens and tentacles. Brrr... goosebumps!
I'm dying to know what this is all about and even if I shouldn't be, cause she's old and strong enough to take care of herself, I'm concerned about Raven. But the thing that is concerning me the most so far, is that she's gone a few minutes ago and I can't wait for her to come back already.

I'm back! The first chapter was published only a week ago and today I decided to write another one.
Don't worry, this is just the start... a lot of things are gonna happen and I promise: BB and Terra won't last for long hehe. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as the first one and if you want to read more, I'd appreciate if you'd let me know through comments or any other way.
Part 3 is gonna come out soon and the news is going to be completely revealed so... stay tuned! :)

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