Chapter 2

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*Meanwhile in Australia*

Michael's POV

I walked into the living room to find dad. He said today he'd show me how to... Wait a second why is he crying?

"Dad?" I asked walking over to him.

"Oh hi Michael. We uh need to talk."

"I kinda figured."

Dad cleared his throat, shuffled a bit so that he'd be sitting up straight, and looked me right in the eyes.

"Michael this is about your mother."

I gritted my teeth. Mom ditched Dad and I when I was like a week old to go be a surfer in Hawaii. It's always just been Dad and I. Well, he's had girlfriends here and there but they always ended badly so he taught me love is just some kind of cruel joke. You can't blame the dude I mean his true love ditched him and his son when his kid was only a week old.

"Kiddo, I've never told you the whole story of what happened between your mother and I." He said while his eyes turned stormy grey like they do when he's upset. Mine do that too but lets not get into that.

"What do you mean?"

"Mike, your mother and I met when we were 14. I loved her from the very beginning. She was a gorgeous woman and why she chose me I'll never know. Anyway, we dated of course and when we were 15 we discovered that she was pregnant. My mother and father disowned me and hers to her. It was a very rough time if you can't tell. Then, I got the best news of my life. You see, I already knew she was having one baby, but they discovered 2 little babies!"

"Hold up! TWO babies?! Dad are you insane?!" I said cutting him off. That means I have a twin! I wonder what he's like! Is he a musician? Is he awesome?! This is epic!

"Yes," He chuckled, "Two babies. A boy, you, and a little girl."



"I've heard she is a lovely girl actually Michael now stop interrupting! Moving on, right before you both were born your mother started being well, different. She wanted to have you two and get me as far away from her as possible. I thought it was just the hormones. After a really long labor process, you and your sister were born. You two were both absolutely gorgeous! I mean really, I loved, love, you two more than anything. Your mother chose the name Stephanie for your sister and I decided to call you Michael after my brother that passed away when I was 10. She demanded I leave as soon as possible and told me to take both of you. I tried to but of course she decided to change her mind and keep Stephanie. I get pictures of Stephanie every now and then, but not very often. I swear Mike I would've told you about your sister if it wasn't for the separation agreement. I wasn't allowed to even speak of your mom to you! Anyway, here's a picture of Stephanie if you'd like."

I gently grabbed the picture out of dads hand. She had bright blue-green-gray eyes like I thought they would be, curly dirty blonde hair, and kind of like a bad girl vibe coming off of her. Not gonna lie, she was really pretty. She doesn't look a lot like me though. The eyes, the hair, and the attitude are the same but not anything else.

"Dad? Why are you telling me this now?"

"Stephanie is moving in because your mother was in a horrible accident. She isn't dead she just can't remember anything."

Stephanie is moving in? Like to be in the same house as me? After 16 years?

"You two will be close trust me. When your mother was pregnant with you two would always be close. Always trying to hold hands and just be together. Oh and you two would always cry if you weren't right next to each other. Mike, don't give me that look. I'm really sorry I couldn't tell you! You and Stephanie can make up for it though!"

"16 years dad? You expect Stephanie and I to just be able to pretend nothing has happened? That after 16 years we can just suddenly be siblings?"

He tried to speak but I just cut him off.

"Whatever dad. I have to go to Calum's house we're recording a new video. Bye." I grabbed my guitar and stormed out.

16 years. My whole entire life has been a lie for 16 years. So now I've got a sister. A twin sister for that matter. A twin thats Hawaiian, gorgeous, and knew just about as much as me. She seems like she'll be okay but I mean really?! My whole entire life is nothing! Dad told me mom just split. Nothing more just bye-bye new born and boyfriend I'm gonna go get an American boyfriend and completely forget about you two! She deserves that accident! She deserves to have Stephanie ripped away from her! I shouldn't hate my own mother but I do. More than anything in this world.

*1 month later*

Still Michael's POV

Today is it. I'm gonna meet Stephanie. What if she hates me? Ugh, I just don't want to be annoying to her. Luke and Calum are back at my house setting up a "Sorry You Got Separated From Your Dad And Brother For 16 Years... Cake?" party. I know what your thinking and yes I am going to call it that okay?

Her plane landed and I saw a tall girly figure walk out of the gate. You can tell she wanted to look nice for us because she was wearing a white dress with a brown belt around her waist and light blue heels. Dad told me she's normally a tomboy. He went up to her first. I couldn't hear them but I saw them both get glassy eyes and hug.

"So thats Michael I'm guessing?" She asked pointing to me. Okay okay here we go. She walked over to me and we stood in silence for a couple of seconds. Processing the situation I guess.

"Listen, I've got no idea what to say." She said looking down. An American accent, figures.

"Than I'll start," I said, "Hi. I'm Michael."

"I'm Stephanie. Cool shirt." She said. I looked down completely forgetting what shirt I was wearing. Okay she likes All Time Low. I guess I can get used to her.

We got in the car and Dad, being him awkward self, decided to ask her questions.

"So uh Stephanie, play any instruments because Michael over here shreds the guitar."

"Um yeah, I play 6 actually."

Dad and I looked at each other shocked. SIX?!

"Six? Seriously?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. Ukulele because you know Hawaii so yeah. Also I play guitar too so we can play together I guess. Um well my Da-, sorry stepdad played drums and got me into them. Then just boring old violin, flute, and piano."

I could almost hear dads heart shatter when she called moms new husband dad. The car got really quiet and Dad mumbled a cool. We got to the house and Luke and Calum were outside.

"WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA!" Calum screamed. Dear god this guy.

"Cal, tune it down." I said. Stephanie awkwardly stood there. She scanned the house a little bit and looked around. I could see her panic a little.

"You okay Steph?" Dad asked concerned

"Um, sorry to be rude but is there a beach anywhere near here?" She asked. Uh oh.

"Not exactly sweetheart." Dad said. Oh yeah I forgot, she lived in a beach house or something.

"Excuse me please. I think I'm gonna look around the neighborhood."

"Here I'll come with you!" I offered. She looked at me glossy eyed.

"No I'd rather be alone please." She said in a shaky voice. Wow she hates it here, me, and my dad already.

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