Chapter 1

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/an: hi y'all! This is my new book! Okay so this is about TwiDash, and if you don't like that, you should probably LEAVE! Welp, enjoy the first chapter!/

~ Twilights POV ~
"As a good friend, you'll always have to be loyal." I am teaching some friendship lessons to Starlight.
"Loyalty is an element of harmony. Just like the others, this element is very important." I say. "And your first lesson about the elements of harmony will be about loyalty. That's why I asked Rainbow Dash to come here."
Starlight nods.
"Okay. But what if I don't understand the rules of this element?" Starlight starts to worry.
I giggle. "Of course you will. Just listen carefully what we say. Oh, by the way, the next lesson will be about Generosity."
"Alright." Starlight says. Right after that we hear a knock on the door.
"That must be Rainbow Dash!" I say as I fly to the door, and open it.
"Hello!" I greet her.
"Hey Twi!" she says back.
"Thanks for coming," I say.
"No problem!" she says, smiling. I smile back.

As we walk in the library, Starlight and Rainbow have a random conversation. I'm just looking at Rainbow. I just realized that she's very beautiful.
"So, Twilight," Rainbow says, waking me up from my thoughts. "When will we get ready for the lesson?"
"Um..." I say. I don't know what to say. The only thing I can think about is Rainbow Dash.
After a few minutes of silence, Rainbow starts to talk again: "I think we should start now."
"Y-yeah, that's a good idea!" I say stuttering. I guess I'm just embarrassing myself.

As Rainbow teaches Starlight about loyalty and what it has to do with friendship, I'm just thinking about Rainbow while looking at her. I honestly feel very excited, nervous and happy at the same time.
"Uh, Twilight?" Starlight wakes me up from my thoughts. "Are you okay?"
I nod, smiling. "I'm fine."
"You sure, Twilight?" Rainbow asks.
I blush, trying to hide my face away, as I nod.
"Oh, well okay." Starlight says. I guess she's kinda confused. I'm really embarrassing myself right now.

Rainbow fly's to me.
"If something's wrong, you can always tell us." Rainbow says, looking into my eyes. I look back, wanting to stay in this position.
"Um, guys," Starlight says. "I think you didn't hear Spike's question."
I didn't even realize he is here.
"Oh, right." I say. "Sorry. What's up Spike?"
"Oh, I was just wondering if I could... maybe go to Rarity to help her?"
I nod at him.
"Yes!" Spike runs out of the door. I just roll my eyes and giggle.
"Well, I guess Starlight learned a lot from my awesome lesson." Rainbow jokes.
"Yes. I think so." I say, giggling. "Thanks for coming over Rainbow. It really means a lot."
"No problem, anything for my friend!" She answer back, hugging me. I hug back as I feel very warm. I want this to last forever, but sadly that's not possible.
She pulls away, and says: "I'm going to Pinkie now, because I promised her to help with the cake she's making."
"Alright." I say. "Thanks again."
She smiles, as she fly's out of the castle.
I wave at her.
"Someone here really likes a pony," Starlights says, smirking.
"W-what do you mean?" I ask. I think I already know what she's talking about...
"Well, I already found out Twilight. Just admit it." She says smiling.
"Admit what?"
"That you like Rainbow, duh. The only thing you've done today since she was here, was staring, dreaming and blushing."
I think about it. What she says is actually true... But I can't like Rainbow! We are just friends!
"Come on, Starlight. I only blushed because of embarrassment." I say.
"Embarrassment, huh?" Starlight smirks again. "You never embarrass yourself, so why now?"
Oh dear... I really regret saying that I blushed of embarrassment...
"Well... Okay, I admit it! I've kinda felt nervous when she was here!" I say.
"Kinda?" Starlight asks. "You mean VERY nervous."
I nod. I'm very embarrassed. But why would I like Rainbow? She's my friend!
"Twilight?" Starlight says. "It's okay if you like her. I still accept you. But you just gotta say the truth."
I look at her. I guess she's right.
"Okay, okay... But I don't know if I like her... I never felt like I liked her before." I say. "But... I guess you're right... I do like her... a lot... more then just a friend..."
Starlight puts a hoof around me. "Twilight, it's completely fine."
I begin to think about the fact that I like... Rainbow Dash... She's my best friend! How's that even possible! And I can't possibly fall for girls!
I really start to freak out.
"Twilight, are you okay?" Starlight asks.
"No... This can't be possible... I'm not even into girls!" I say.
She starts to look scared at me.
I sigh. "I'm sorry I was overreacting. Maybe this is just who I am... Or I just have to deny my feelings..."
"No, don't do that! It's okay to like her... And I won't tell any pony about this! I promise!"
"Mmm... I don't go with a 'promise'... I think you should 'Pinkie Promise' you won't tell anybody."
She laughs. "Alright. Cross my heart, and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."
I smile. "Thanks. I'm glad I could tell some pony I trust."
"Yeah," Starlight starts. "But you gotta tell her as soon as possible."
"Okay." I sigh.
We have an awkward silence until she starts to talk again.
"So... Do you have any other close friends I didn't met yet?"
I start to think. Sunset!
"yes!" I say. "She is also learning about friendship, because she did some... well, evil stuff..."
"Okay! I would love to meet her!"
"Uh... Well, she isn't exactly a pony anymore..."
"It isn't Discord, is it?"
I laugh. "No. But she is still a pony in her heart, she just moved to another world. But she can always come back to Equestria through the portal!"
She looks at me. "Which portal?"
"Oh, I haven't shown you yet!" I grab her hoof and lead her to the room where the portal is. It is actually in my second library.
"Wow..." Starlight says. "Wait, can we go to there whenever we want...?"
"Yeah," I answer. "But I guess they're now at school."
"Oh..." Starlight answers sad. "I would love to meet her..."
"Mmm..." I say. "Hey, I have an idea how to reach out to her!"
I grab the book me and Sunset use to write to each other.
"This was actually from princess Celestia," I say. "She could always message Sunset with this book, because then it would appear on Sunsets book."
"Oh.." Starlight nods understanding.
"M-maybe we can ask if she wants to meet one day! I'm sure there isn't a other you in that world!"
Starlight looks confused.
"Never mind." I giggle.
"Anyways," Starlight changes the subject. "I actually wanted to help Rarity with her dresses, since she needed help and I think it's fun to help her."
I nod. "Okay, have fun!"
She waves and walks out of the castle. I wave back and look around the library. I guess I'll just read some books. I look for a book, until I hear a knock.
I walk to the door to see who it is.
"Hello Twilight!!!!" Pinkie screams as she holds a cake. Next her is Rainbow Dash. I blush as I think about me and Starlights conversation we had a few minutes ago.
'You gotta tell her as soon as possible'
I think about it. There are two voices in my head: the devil and the angle.
'You should tell, being honest is very important and it means you're not a chicken!'
'No, don't! I know being honest is important, but what if you ruin the friendship?!'

I honestly don't know which voice I should listen to!
"Uh Twilight," Rainbow wakes me up from my thoughts. "Are you okay? You've been acting... well, very... weird lately-"
"Nothing's wrong!" I interrupt her with a smile.
Pinkie looks weird at me. "Alright! Anyways, do you want to taste this cake?!? It's special for you! Because Rainbow loves-"
Rainbow interrupts Pinkie Pie.
"Because I love making cakes for my friends, right Pinkie?!" Rainbow asks. I see that she's turning a little aggressive inside.
Pinkie nods. "Yeah! Heh, right! But Rainbow asked me to make a cake together so you might like her ba-"
"Backpack! Yeah, hehe... Whenever you go to Canterlot High, you really need one! And this cake kinda... Eh... Looks like the backpack I got you!" Rainbow  interrupts her again.
I'm a little confused why they're acting so weird. Are they pranking me?
I find this situation a bit awkward, so I decide to change the subject: "Hey, why don't we invite our friends and enjoy this cake together?"
They both nod as we walk into my castle.
Pinkie and Rainbow are in my room, but I haven't walked in yet. But then i hear their conversation. It sounds interesting, but I don't wanna break their privacy.
"But, Dashie, you gotta tell her soon! And I ship you and-" Rainbow interrupts Pinkie Pie. I guess Rainbow saw me standing behind the door.
"Hey Twi!" Rainbow says as she walks to the door.
"Hi!" I couldn't help but hug her randomly. I honestly didn't know what I was doing! I try to pull away, but Rainbow already hugs me back. After 5 minutes or so, we finally realize how long we actually hugged each other. We pull away fast as we blush.
"Aw!" We hear some pony. It wasn't Pinkie Pie... It was Rarity! I blush even more because she saw it too.
"Now that's what I call cute!" Rarity says as Pinkie fangirls. I don't even know why what's wrong with them! Why would they found two completely normal FRIENDS so called 'cute'?! I kinda turn insane because of it.
"Wow, Twilight," Rainbow says. I look at her. Her face calms me down. "Calm down."
I look into her eyes as I start to think about how much I want her to be mine...
"What's the matter darling?" Rarity says. "I just said it was cute because seeing you two as FRIENDS hugging each other is very cute, since Rainbow never really hugs anyone!"
"Hey!" Rainbow says. I giggle at her aggression. I don't really know why, and I don't care what the reason is, I really find it cute when Rainbow is aggressive. I stare at her.
"Howdy!" We all hear a voice. It is Applejack. She looks at me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt somethin'?"
"N-no..." I blush.
"IT'S CAKE TIME!" Pinkie yells, as Fluttershy comes in.
I hear Pinkie whisper to Fluttershy.
"I ship Dashie and Twilight," I hear Pinkie whisper. Fluttershy don't really seem to be happy with that comment Pinkie just gave.
We all sit around the table as we enjoy the cake.

/an: I'm sorry if this sucks! I wrote this at like 12:30 am, and yeah... So, sorry! But I really hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Thanks for reading, bye!/

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