Chapter 4

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~ Starlights point of view ~
I can't sleep, because I've been thinking about some pony... Sunburst...
I can't help but walk out of my room, and walk to Twilight's room.
I silently knock, because maybe she's asleep. I hope she hears it. And surprisingly, she did.
"Come in!" I hear. So I open the door and walk in.
"Oh hey Starlight." she smiles. I give a fake smile back.
"I'm sorry for bothering you..." I say as I walk up to her.
"It's okay!" Twilight smiles. "So, what brings you here? Let me guess, you can't sleep?"
"How'd you know?" I ask. 
"I'm smart," she jokes as she smirks. I give a slight smile, but didn't say anything.
"Now, what's bothering you?" Twilight asks after it's been 2 minutes of silence.
"I d-don't know... I think I like someone..." I stutter.
"Oh really? Who is it?" she asks curiously.
"I... I think I l-like... Sunburst..." I blush. She begins to fangirl for no reason.
"I knew that the story would come true!" she says excitedly.
"W-which story...?" I ask, confused.
"This one!" she says as she holds a book.
I look at it in shock.
"And yes, I wrote it myself!" she says proud.
I know it's weird, but I really want to read it tho...
"C-can I.. maybe.. r-read i-it...?" I ask, while blushing.
Twilight giggles. "Of course."
She hands me the book.
I smile, still blushing.
"Thanks." I say. "I'm gonna read it now. Maybe I'll get tired and fall asleep."
She nods. "That's a good thing to do whenever you can't sleep."
"Okay," I start walking, but then I stop. "Oh by the way, how is it between you and Rainbow?"
She starts blushing. "We had a very long conversation! Something like 10 hours or so."
I smile. "Wow. That's great. I hope there will be something between you two very soon, because it would look very cute. Maybe you should tell her tomorrow... Or at least very soon... That's the best thing to do."
She nods. "I hope we can still be friends then."
"I'm sure she would always be there for you." I smile, and then laugh. "She is the element of Loyalty after all."
Twilight just giggles. I smile.
"Goodnight," i say before the room.
"Night," I hear her voice.

~ Twilights POV ~
I can't sleep, again. I find it very annoying that love has to work like this!
I really want to confess my love to Rainbow... But what would she think? I'm sure she doesn't likes me back... so, what's the point of telling her? Being honest is very important, but I don't wanna ruin the friendship between me and Rainbow... It's just... too special...
I look up at the clock. It's 12 am. I sigh, as I am waiting for myself to fall in sleep. Maybe I should read a book?
I find it a good idea, so I walk out of my bed and search for a good book.

- The Next Day -
I wake up because of the rain. I see that it's 7 am. I sigh, as I walk out of my bed and go to the living room. I know I can't fall asleep again, especially because Rainbow Dash is on my mind, like usual.
Today me and Cadence are going to meet at the Crystal Empire. Rainbow is coming with me, at least that's what she said. I hope she didn't forget about that.
After a few minutes of thinking, I decide to make myself ready. I take a quick shower, brush my mane and eat breakfast.
I look at the clock. It's almost 8 am. So I brush my teeth and then get out of the house.

As I walk out, I see Rainbow on a cloud.
I was going to fly to her, but she already flies to me.
"Hi." I say, smiling.
"Hey," she smiles back.
"We should better go, because the train is coming in 2 minutes." I say, still smiling at her.
"Okay," she laughs.

~Rainbow Dash's POV~
We are almost at the Crystal Empire.
Me and Twi didn't really talk the whole ride. Instead, I was staring at her, but she didn't mind, I guess.

Finally we arrive! Me and Twilight walk out of the train and see Cadence.
"Hi girls!" Cadence hugs Twilight, and then me.
"Hi Cadence!" Twilight says.
I just stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
"I'm glad you could come, Rainbow," Cadence looks at me, smiling. 
I smile back.
"Sadly, my other friends are busy," Twilight says, and looks at me.
"Well, I'm glad Twilight could take at least one friend with her who isn't busy," Cadence says.
"Well, I actually had some stuff to do, but since I don't want Twi to feel alone, I asked if I could have a free day today, and work on my vacation days." I say, slightly smiling and blushing. Twilight also blushes.
"Aww," I hear Cadence say. "I remember when Shining Armour did that for me."
"Y-yeah that's very s-sweet..." Twilight blushes.
Cadence smiles. "Yep. Now I think you girl might be hungry, aren't you? I found a nice cafe somewhere close to here. Wanna go to there?"
Me and Twilight both nod, and Cadence begins to walk and we follow her.

We arrive there, as we take a seat.
"What do you girls want to drink or eat?" Cadence asks, and looks at Twilight. "They do have pancakes here."
Twilight smiles brightly. "I'll take a pancake!"
Cadence laughs at Twilight, and so do I.
"Rainbow, what do you want to eat or drink?" Cadence asks.
"I'm not hungry," I say, faking a smile. My stomach is already full of butterflies...
"Are you sure?" Cadence says. I nod with a grin.
"Okay, then we will take a pancake and a cup of tea please," Cadence says to the waitress.
The waitress nods, and walks away.
"So, how is the baby?" Twilight asks to Cadence.
"She's fine." Cadence smiles, and then looks at me. "Something wrong, Rainbow?"
"N-no, everything is fine," I say with a smile. A fake smile.
"Oh," Cadence says. "Usually you're really talkative and loud, and now you're, well, a bit quiet... Are you sure everything is fine?"
I nod, still having a fake smile on my face. "I'm just a bit sleepy, but it's fine."
"Alright," Cadence says.
Then the waitress comes with the food.
"Thank you," Cadence says and Twilight smiles.
"You're welcome, princesses," she smiles back, and leaves us alone.
"So, how are your friends?" Cadence asks to me and Twilight.
"They're doing good," Twilight says, as she eats her pancake.
Cadence grins. "That's good. Rainbow, are you sure you don't want something to eat? Maybe drink? They have water, and you can add taste to it."
"Okay," I smile and walk away so I can get it.

A few minutes later, I got it and I walk to the table again. I hear that they're having a private conversation. I can't help but listen to what they're saying.
"Aww, that's cute. Does she already knows?" I hear Cadence.
"No I'm not planning to-" Twilight is about to finish what she is saying, until she notices me. "Hai R-Rainbow!"
"H-hey!" I say, embarrassed. I hope she doesn't think I'm a spy.
I sit down, awkwardly looking at the ground.
"S-so I see you got your d-drink," Twilight stutters.
"Y-yeah," I say, drinking a bit of it. "It tastes pretty g-good."
We have an awkward silence, until Cadence breaks the silence.
"Hey girls, I'm going to get water too," Cadence says. "So I'll be back!"
Twilights looks annoyed at her, and then she looks back at me, and smiles again.
"Hey, when you were getting your drink, Cadence asked if we wanted to stay at the Crystal Empire..." Twilight says.
I smile. "If that's okay."
Twilight smiles back and says: "Then I'll stay there too."

- A few hours later -
The rest of the day we were just exploring the city, but now it's night, and it's pretty late so I think we're going to bed now.

Cadence leads me to a room.
"Goodnight Rainbow." Cadence smiles at me, and walks out of the room.
"Night," I say back.
After a few minutes, I still can't  sleep... I am thinking about Twilight...

I can't help but walk out of this room and go to the room where Twilight is sleeping.

I quietly knock on the door, as Twi opens it.
"Hey," Twilight says. "You're up late. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
"Yeah," I say. "But I can't sleep."
Twilight sighs. "Same."
I stare at her, and she stares back.
"It's kinda warm in here," Twilight says as I nod in agreement. "Let's go outside, to the balcony."
I nod again, as we both walk to the balcony.
We just sit there in silence, just looking at the stars.

AN: I'm sorry that this is a bad chapter, really. But it's like 2:42 AM, so yeah... Why the hell do I update at such late times?!? Okay lol I'm going to sleep now, goodnight! 🌙💜

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