Mason's Journey

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Okay guys, lete explain this...
This is Masons pov, it should take place in chapter 22. It's Masons journey to get the cure for Em aka Dusk.... So her you go....


As soon as I saw Em's eyes roll back in her head, and saw her falling for the ground, I immediately ran to her. I caught her with one swift movement, cradling her to my chest.

The bite had most likely taken her, or would soon. I pleaded for her to wake up, but she wouldn't even move. I knew she was still alive, because I could hear her breathing. I picked her up, and held her tighter to my chest. I carried her to the bed, and sat her down gently.

For one of the first times in my life, I was actually scarred. I loved Em, and couldn't imagine a life without her. The one of thoughts that haunted me the most right now was: I did this. She was going to die because of me. I couldn't stand that thought.


I would make things right. I would do everything in my power to keep Em here. She would live if I had anything to do about it. And I would. I would travel to the ends of the earth, to find a cure, if I had to. I would do anything.

I pulled the blanket over her, as I sat by her side. She laid there, flat on her back, breathing slow. I lifted the edge of her shirt to take a look at the bite.

The bite looked badly infected, with pus oozing out, and it look like it had spread. It looked badly infected all over her side. I slid her shirt back down. I then used my right hand to push her hair back, and stared at her face. I leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "I love you, Em. Please hang in there... for me. For at least as long as you can, please fight to live. I'll try and be back as soon as I can. I want you to know, that I hate leaving you like this, but I need to find a cure. I love you so much, please... hang in there," I said, I spoke to her softly and gently. I kissed her once more on the forehead, before getting up.

I walked to the balcony and jumped down. I wasn't even entirely sure where I was going, or what I was looking for. I sighed. The best thing I could do was start walking.

So, that is what I did. Before I knew it I was in town, the bad part of town. There were dark alleys and lots of crime. Nobody who wanted to live came to this part of town. Unless you were like me, a werewolf, and could take care of yourself when it came to this kind of thing. Or unless you were a vampire, like Em.

Oh, Em... How sorry I am. I just had to make this right.

It was dark and the moon was high in the sky, I was thankful that it wasn't full. I couldn't afford to lose time. The streets were empty, and everything was quiet, a little to quiet for my taste.


I stopped dead in my tracks. I flipped my head around, the sound came from in between two building, in a dark ally. Now, only a person with a complete suicidal wish, would go head on in there. But, I was on full alert. I creeped towards the shadows.

"Who's there?" I asked, voice stern.

"Shhh... before someone hears you..." a female's voice warned.

I looked around cautiously. There was nobody for miles. This lady was crazy.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I hear you are looking for a cure for... a creature, from a bite," she said, her voice was crackly, and barely a whisper.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked. How could anyone even know, nobody even knows about what happened to Em.

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