Chapter 15 Hero's Cry

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Pandora's POV

I was so stupid for thinking I could attack him. My body ached as I thought of how much pain Athena must be in. She probably thinks I'm dead. I might as well be. My abilities don't work properly here, and any minute now Kronus may be able to enter my body.

A tear slid down my cheek as the reality of never seeing Athena again washed over me. I won't even get to kiss her goodbye or tell her I love her.

That's it, projection. I smiled and quickly sat up from the damp floor I was caged in. Jamie had gone for witches who will cast a spell to prepare my body to host Kronus. I tried to focus my mind on Athena, to picture her pacing in my room.

Nothing happened. I just felt like a bigger fool. Some savior, I was supposed to be this powerful being able to protect mankind. I looked around at the darkness that surrounded me.

Purposefully selfdefeating, I did this. How can I undo this?

This will not be my fate. I have to survive this. I refuse to lose my mate so quickly. Even in darkness there is energy. Darkness itself is under my control. I must and I will see my love again and we will die together, old and gray.

With renewed determination I focused on the dark energy. I will make it back to you Athena.

Athena's POV

"I will make it back to you Athena" I could hear her voice in my head.

It had been 2 long anguishing days. My mother had finally coaxed me from the woods but I refused to eat.

My wolf and I were a wreck at the loss of our mate. For the first time since she was taken I could feel her. It was faint but she was there. She was holding on for me. I was failing her. Wasting away in sorrow when I should be in Tartarus searching for her.

If she could fight so could I. "I'm coming baby." I hoped with everything in me she could hear me.

As I made my way over to the rec room I assumed everyone would be training. The campus was still stained with blood and the stench of death and defeat marked the students as they crept across the campus.

I could smell my pack, feel them. My first act as alpha was to shut down on them. I felt my body heat up with rage and disappointment. My wolf was near surfacing, she wanted to go after Jamie and rip him to shreds. But the time for that is soon. We needed to be smart about our attack.

My mother, my beta came towards me. A few members of the pack followed. She hugged me as we placed our foreheads together. My pack was still with me. They shared my pain. It was comforting. I missed out on growing up with my pack and my wolf was glad to now have them.

I moved around connecting with my pack through the simple act of touch. The reassurance was comforting.

Lisa walked over with a slight smile. She gestured towards the rec room. I nodded as Mom and I excused ourselves from the pack members.

We were in pieces. Everyone looked slightly broken. The Ash, Evita and the rest of the group seemed to have lost..... hope.

"I think we have licked our wounds long enough." Lisa said firmly as I walked into the room. "We need a plan of action, we need to stop reacting to Jamie and start attacking."

She stood before us, poised in her signature red and black leather painted on pants with black boots and a plain red top. Pandora would love to see her like this. The thought made me jealous, angry and sad. My range of emotions must have been more apparent than I realized. A growl escaped me.

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