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Kehlani Sequel , hope you guys enjoy. It's going to be a crazy ride.

Amir in the MM.

                       Growing up with the parents I did, anybody would try to get away. My mother and father have been so dysfunctional since I was able to walk. Probably even before that, but I wouldn't be able to know. I always ask what's wrong to my mother and I would never get an answer. Same thing with my father. He would always just say "You'll understand when you love someone." Honestly, I am in love with a female right now I think.... And we don't argue nearly as much as my parents do. Maybe it's just a them thing, but I don't know.

My life has been through quite amount of ups and downs. Maybe it's just something I was meant to go through. It's made me go harder for what I've wanted in life. High school basketball is one step closer to me being in the NBA. It's with the help of my parents that I'm even getting this far. Some kids say I don't deserve it because I don't come from a low income home. We aren't considered low income because my parents make money illegally, but how would anyone know that. My mother moved us out to Florida before I even turned 2. She didn't want anyone to know who she was or who my father was.

My father still resides in NOLA, where everybody knows who I am. They all claim they knew my mother and they saw me as a baby. I don't know if I should believe people anymore. They say shit just to get a reaction out of it. They want to be know they know of my mother and father. I didn't go out there as much in my high school years. Nobody ever told me why, but I took a wild guess and it was probably right.

Being at the age of 17 right now is really rough. My senior year in high school, so many different things are beginning to go on. Plus , once I graduate from high school I'm going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. My father wants me to move down there with him and run his business with him. While my mother on the other hand wants me to continue playing basketball and become something bigger and better. I know what I want to do, but I just don't want to disappoint my parents. I want to see them both happy, I just don't want my decisions to effect the way either of them looks at me.


"You can have the world if you ask for it , ma." A grin played on my lips while my hand rested behind her. She rolled her eyes in annoyance , seeing as though this was the third time I was in her face today. I know she was tired of me , but I didn't care.

"I already told you. You're a mommy's boy. You're always up under your mom and you don't know how to go out." She laughed , pushing me back some. "Just because you're dressed in designer and have a flashy car in the 12th grade don't mean you the shit."

Did I ever mention the girl I'm in love with thinks I'm horrible ? I've done nothing but tried with her since the 10th grade. This is all I've got from it though. At this point I play it off like it's all joke but in reality I really do like her a lot. We used to be close until she dated her last boyfriend. When they broke up she didn't even look my way.

"Okay Erie. " I stepped away from her , then began making my way down the hallway. "I just need to move on-" I muttered to myself , what I thought was quietly.

"You really do because she just keeps playing you. " Said some female walking besides me. Her text book and binder pressed against her chest.

"Yeah and who the hell are you supposed to be ?" I asked with an attitude spurring from my lips.

"A girl who observes everything and sees that you're an asshole for a girl who doesn't even look your way. "

"How would you know? You don't even know me. I've never even seen you a day in my life so how am I supposed to know you?" 

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