Chapter 1

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The whistle blew and I took off across the field. Coach had the football team doing sprints back and forth because a certain running back decided to challenge my leadership as quarterback and captain of the team. Bejamin Horn, this certain running back, has been pissy with me and Coach since tryouts freshman year. It's our senior year now and you would think he would be over it, but high school boys have more drama than the girls at times.

Maybe I should start from the beginning. I'm Samy Mack and I am the quarterback for the B. H. High School Eagles of Madison, Alabama. I made quarterback in my freshman after competing against one Anthony Horn. That's right he's Bejamin's older brother. Anthony graduated two years ago, but Bejamin has made it his personal mission to as he says, " dethrone the guy who stole his brother's title." At least that's what he used to say until a few years ago. I never understood him because me and Anthony were always close, even after I made the team. We were closer than most would even like to know. Anthony was the only one who knew my secret.

One day during the season, I was taking a shower after and away tournament. I always wait until after the rest of the team has taken their showers and left to go home, but that wasn't an option this time. I waited until the team loaded up on the bus and got back to the hotel we were staying in to take a shower. Anthony and I were sharing a room and he waited in the lobby to talk to his brother. I went up to get in the shower while he was not in the room and when I got out I realized I forgot my clothes on my bed.

I peeked my head out of the door and called to Anthony to see if he had come back to the room. When I didn't hear a response, I ran to my clothes and grabbed them as fast as I could. When I turned around to run back to the bathroom, the door opened.

"Hey Samy some of us are going to the grill down the street to...," he trailed off as he looked up and saw just what I had been hiding.

"Look, I can explain Anthony. I swear I can," I said as he stood there frozen in shock.

"You..You have boobs Samy!"

"Uh, maybe you should sit down and close the door so I can explain."

He let the door close and took a seat on his bed, still staring off. I turned around and put on my bra and panties with a t-shirt. I sat across from him and began explaining why his best friend and teammate was a girl and no one knew.

"It was the best thing I could come up with when I moved here and decided to tryout. I know I could have gone about this better but my parents worried when I told them my plan to be on the football team and helped me get everything I needed. We were worried about negative reactions from the school, the team, and the town if people knew that a girl had taken a place on the football team away from their sons. I was on the team at my middle school back in New York and even there there was some backlash. We didn't know how much worst it might be in a small southern town. I'm sorry Anthony if you want me to drop the team so that you can take the position back," I finished and watched him sit in silence and stare at me while he absorbed the new information.

Anthony closed his eyes and looked back up and said, "So you mean to tell me that a freshman girl is who beat me out for quarterback after I had that spot for two years before."

I nodded my head and looked down ready for him to go tell Coach and the team that he wanted me off the team. I looked up when he burst out laughing.

"Oh God, I really need to work on my skills. No offence but I'm so much taller and more muscular than you. God this explains so much," he said between breaths.

I sat back and crossed my arms. I looked at Anthony and waited for him to finish his laughing. When he finally died down, I stood up and walked over to pack my things. I refused to take that kind of insult from my best friend. I know what I told him earlier but I guess I wasn't ready for that.

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