Hired By Management

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Reporter 1: One Direction are here in Woodbury, Georgia... *cont. talking* 

Kim: *walking around the mall with her friends* What is going on here? 

Jean: *eyes kim* 

Kim: *trying to make her way through to see* 

Harry: *signing autographs and taking pictures* 

Jean: Hello, are you a fan? 

Kim: *chuckles* A what? 

Jean: Fan of One Direction. 

Kim: Oh, is that who they are? 

Jean: *looks at kims friends* 

Austin: Why are you asking my girlfriend that question? 

Jessica: We never heard of them before, are they a new boy band? 

Jean: No, they've been around for three years now, but I'm Jean Jameson, I'm a part of management. Can I talk to you alone for a minute? 

Kim: Uh yeah sure? *leaves with jean* 

Jean: Sit down. 

Kim: *sits down* 

Jean: What did you say your name was again? 

Kim: Sorry about that, I'm Kim Augustine. 

Jean: Kim Augustine, how would you like to be Harry Styles's girlfriend? 

Kim: Whose girlfriend? 

Jean: Pull harry in. 

Paul: *whisper's to harry* 

Harry: *gets up and leaves the table* 

Fans: *boos* 

Harry: What's up? 

Paul: Jean needs you. 

Harry: Oh. 

Austin: What do you think she's talking to her about? 

Jessica: I don't know, but it's been fifteen minutes already. 

Jean: Harry. 

Harry: Hey Jean, what's up? *looks at kim* 

Jean: Kim, meet Harry Styles from One Direction. 

Kim: *in her mind* Whoa, he's cute. *smiles* Hi Harry. 

Jean: So? 

Kim: You know, I don't know. Do you know about this? 

Harry: What are we talking about first? 

Jean: Contract signing. 

Harry: Oh that, yeah I know about it. 

Jean: So I'll give you ten minutes to look over the contract and think about it. *hands the contract to kim and leaves the room* 

Harry: *leaves with jean and paul* 

Kim: *looks over the contract* A year contract being Harry Styles's girlfriend. I mean, he is cute and hot, but I already have a boyfriend. 

Jessica: *getting impatient* Uh! This is taking too long Austin! 

Austin: C'mon, let's go find her! 

Jean: *walks into the room* Have you finished? 

Kim: Yeah, I did. What happens if I do sign it? 

Jean: Well you can't back out of it, and we'll pay you $2,500 each week, we'll supply your outfits for events, or charity. You'll have Lou Teasdale as your hair stylist and make-up artist. *cont. lecturing* 

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