{entry 02}

407 25 3

May 15th, 2016

day two. the second day where i sit here, drinking my chai tea with a milk substitute writing about what i'm feeling at this perpetual moment in time. it was still the same crowd it has always been.. i've always been one to like routine. i'd awake at 7am from the sun rising, i would leave for class at 7:45 and be done by noon. then i'd come here, to this quaint little coffee shop i felt i could call a second home.. there was always something that felt a little different sure, maybe it was someone not showing up or the day being a little quieter than usual. i was one who enjoyed the silence. i never thought there would be a day where it wouldn't be quiet, but there was something about today that was different than the others. i just couldn't put my finger on it yet. 


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