Death by Gym Teacher?

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I'm just saying before I start, that all rights go to Rick Riordan, except for characters like Willow, Julia, Vladimir and some others you don't recognize.

And if you're actually reading this, and not skipping over it like most people do, you get a cookie and a huge hug.

I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

In the distance, shadows tormented my escape. I couldn't run anymore. My legs felt like two piles of Jell-o.

A shrill, ear splitting noise entered my ears and rattled my skull.

"Okay, we're done for today! Ladies, go downstairs to the locker room and change!" Coach Wilson exclaimed cheerily. As I passed by, about to hurl, he hissed, "Willow Redmond, try harder in class."

Oh, God, I hated gym.

My lovely friend, Julia, lightly jogged over to me, looking like she hadn't just ran three miles with the rest of the class. Meanwhile, I lay curled up in the fetal position, whimpering on the springy grass.

Now I was lyin' on the cold hard grou-


Julia had long, blonde, wavy hair, and multicolored eyes that shone like diamonds. All of the girls in our school envied her looks, and most of the guys drooled over her. She was in the grade above me, much to my dismay. Disregarding the age difference, we still happened to be best friends. Sometimes people would call us the "Dynamic duo" because we were never separated.

As we approached the locker room, she muttered, "You look like you're gonna puke."

"At least you don't have to go up three flights of stairs and take the detour in the ghost hallway to get to health." I mumbled into the floor, which I had acquainted myself with once more, groaning and pulling myself to my feet.

She cringed. The ghost hallway is in an abandoned wing of my school, Massapequa high school, where rumor has it that strange sounds come from the classrooms. What a lie. I've never heard any 'strange sounds' when I walk the hallway to get to my health class.

I mean, it's not really abandoned. Supposedly, the schoolboard just halted construction there. There were pasty, white walls, with no doors, lockers, windows, or decorations in sight. Completely blank. It stretched ahead to a stairway, which was rarely used by students. Because health is such an abstract class, I had to go through there to reach it. A few others also had to bare the pain-stakingly creepy trek to reach one of their classes-- the stairway led to health, art, home-ed, those kind of deals.

I went to my small gym locker, and changed out of my sweats and into my usual outfit of black jeans, a blank, white shirt and my trusty combat boots. Slamming my locker shut, I charged away to the hall, eager to get out of the smelly locker room.

Julia pursed her lips.

"Be careful." she called quietly after me.

I turned around to ask what she meant, but she was already gone. That was strange. Julia was usually witty and sarcastic, making references to anime or tv shows whenever she could.

I'm surprised she didn't mention America's, a character in some anime called 'Hetalia', phobia of ghosts before disappearing behind the lockers.

A minute or so later, I reached the ghost hallway. The hoards of students surrounding me took a left, heading towards the main hallway.

I twirled a ballpoint pen in my hand, approaching the blank, empty hall. Pfft. Haunted? That's what people said it was. Ghosts were stupid. Ghosts don't exist. Only crazy people say ghosts actually exist!

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