Chapter sixteen :)

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Mirrins POV

I woke up with Simons arms wrapped around my waist as I faced him, my head nuzzled into his chest.

I could feel his breathing on the top of my head and it comforted me, I lay like that thinking about the day. It was Simons birthday and I was meeting his family, I stayed in the same position for 15 more minutes before bringing my hands up to Simon and cupping his face making him slowly open his eyes. I smiled at his annoyed face.

"Mirrin what are you doing?" He groaned pulling the covers further up his face.

"I'm trying to wake up the birthday boy," I teased.

"But he doesn't want woken up," He moaned.

"Not even for his presents?" I asked sitting up and turning to look down at him.

"Mmm, not really no." He groaned burrowing his face into the pillow, I smiled accepting the fact that I wasn't going to get him up just yet so I decided to start getting ready because we are leaving at 12am to get to Simons parents house and it's 10am right now so considering the amount of time it takes me to get ready I should probably start now.

Simons POV

I was lying in bed on Twitter when Mirrin walked into my room fully clothed with a towel on her head.

"Wow you really suit that hair piece," I smiled as she sat on my gaming chair removing the towel from her hair.

"Thank you," She grinned, as she got off the chair and sat next to where I was lying on the bed.

I am actually quite excited for Mirrin to meet my mum and dad, she has never met them before and I think they both might like each other. I introduced Emma to my mum and dad when we went out and I don't think she got on with them that much, but Mirrin is such a people's person, she could get on with anyone.

"Happy Birthday!" She said with a huge smile on her face as she lay down on top of me, somehow managing to wrap her arms around my neck. I rested my hands on her waist as she lay there not moving.

"Thank you," I replied kissing the top of her head. She pushed herself up so that she was now in a press up position above my head, I looked in her eyes, so badly wanting to kiss her but Mirrin being the tease that she is, she wouldn't let me.

"You need to go get ready," she smirked as she got off of me. I rolled my eyes and went for my shower.

Mirrins POV

I checked myself in the mirror for the 500th time, trying to decide wether my outfit was too plain. I was wearing my ripped denim blue skinny jeans, a white flowy top, my khaki coloured converse and my Michael Kors watch. I know that Simon likes it when I wear simple outfits and since it's his birthday, I'll do it for him.

By the time I had finished doing my hair and makeup Simon had gotten out the shower, got changed and had dried his hair so that he could style it.

"Simon I love it when you wear that adidas Tshirt with jeans," I said as I walked behind him whilst he done his hair in the mirror. He turned to face me with a smile on his face.

"I love it when you wear white tops and jeans," He complimented me which made me blush a little. He kissed me lightly on the lips which created butterfly's in my stomach.

"Well aren't you cute," I teased, knowing that Simon hated the fact that he was turning soft and being cuter as the days went on.


We eventually made it out the house and into Simons car so that he could drive us to his parents house. We are staying there tonight and leaving late tomorrow because Simon doesn't spend a lot of time with his family because he is obviously very busy and he lives further away.

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