Chapter One

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The buck crashes through the forest, antlers snapping low-hanging branches and vines. Tiny hooves break through the freshly fallen snow. The five of us chase after the large beast, growling to each other, paws flying through the dense snow. The black wolf, Kye, throws glances at Ana, Derek, and me, we split away from the other two and veer off to the sides, pushing ourselves faster. My white fur hides me perfectly in the snow as I cut the deer off from ahead, barring my teeth excitedly. He slides to a stop and swings around to go left, but Ana is already there. The buck turns back the way he came but the other two wolves are there, then one more time to the left and Derek is there blocking the way. Its eyes roll around in its head as we slowly advance on him; low growls escape our throats, and jaws snap as the terrified deer tries to break through our circle. He turns and rushes at me, I dodge the heavy antlers and pounce at his throat, but he twists suddenly and attacks Derek. The sharp appendages graze his shoulder as Derek side-steps, spotting his gray fur with vivid red. I leap at the buck and grab hold of its neck, he twists and rears around as the other wolves try to disable it.

Suddenly, a shot rings out, startling us all. I feel the bullet slice through the air just above my head and I jump down. We all look at each other for a split second and then warily at the advancing hunters. The deer hesitates a moment and then takes off into the thick woods, I glance one more time at the hunters and then take off after the deer. The other wolves howl at me to come back, but the kill is the only thing on my mind right now, my heart racing with anticipation. I strain my muscles as far as they can go to get the speed that I need, then I jump. I land on the deer's back, sink my teeth into the thick fur on the neck. He spins around and rolls on the ground, forcing me off. As soon as I'm on my feet I lunge at the animal, biting his throat hard. We fall to the ground and I wait for it to stop kicking until I let go.

Just looking at its size I know that it's too heavy to drag to the pack, so I settle back and howl into the sky, calling the others. Minutes later they come crashing through the brush. They stare at the deer, then at me, then back.

"You killed that on your own?" Derek seems very surprised.

I just look at him staring at the gigantic deer lying dead in the snow.

Kye walks up and looms over me, I lower my head and stare at the ground; My heart is now racing for a different reason, and my legs shake as I feel the anger and disappointment rolling off the pack leader. "You shouldn't have run off like that."

"I'm s-" I flinch as he cuts me off.

"You endanger the pack every time you run off, more so when there are hunters near! There will be serious consequences for your stupidity. Go back to the cabin, we'll talk about this later." Glaring at me, he jerks his muzzle toward the trees, baring his teeth.

I look around at the rest of the pack, Ana steps forward. "Kye, we can't hunt as a pack without five wolves. There are rules." I stare at her, dumbfounded and hurt. Is that the only reason, Ana? I think.

Then Matt steps forward, "Ana's right, we can't hunt without five."

Kye glares at them, "We'll make do with four." then to the rest, "any more objections? No?" He stares at me now. I take a step toward the buck, instinctively protecting my kill. Bad move. Kye blocks me off and I don't move away fast enough. His jaws lock around the scruff of my neck and I growl, wrenching myself from his grasp. I spin and snap at him but he moves out of the way and locks his jaws around my throat. He throws me away and bares his fangs at me. I retreat into the trees, feeling humiliated and defeated.

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