Chapter Three

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(person in image represents Carla)


Why am I doing this? I look stupid! I stand in front of the small mirror in the bathroom, my wrinkled button-up shirt is faded and doesn't look quite so professional as Kye said it would. My dark slacks are too long and frayed at the heels. I sigh at my reflection and run my hands over my shirt again, why couldn't I just have bought some new clothes? These ones are so worn they look like they'll fall apart with the slightest touch. I walk out of the bathroom and Carla immediately attacks me, jumping up from the bed and rushing over to smooth out my collar. Just like an older sister would act. A small smile tugs at my lips, and I wave her away. "I look fine, Carla! Leave me alone." Her wavy brown hair falls down her shoulders in a smooth mess, gray eyes wide and innocent as she pulls her hands away.

She steps back to look at me, placing her hands on her mouth and sighing. "Oh, you look hot." I wave her away and turn toward the door, she hugs me from behind, "Good luck!" she whispers.

I really didn't want to go to a stupid interview for a stupid job, I'd much rather stay home on the weekend and sleep -- considering how little of it I got with all the homework my teachers handed out. I had to make up most of my resume since I had never done anything in human society, but Mr. Anderson sits patiently in his desk chair while I talk about myself. He's a short, balding man with large glasses and black suspenders. He bites the end of his pen as I talk, and nods every once in a while. After what seems like another hour of me talking and him questioning, the interview finally ends. We stand and shake hands, "Good, I like what I've, uh, heard today. I think you would be a, ehm, great person to have here. You can start Monday." He nods distractedly to himself and turns back to his papers, scribbling furiously. I walk out of the small office and lean back against the wall, sighing. I don't think he was even listening to a word I said.

Instead of going straight home I decide to explore town. I hop in our old faded blue Toyota and drive through the streets, looking at the stores and restaurants and memorizing where each building is. I pull off to the side of the road and walk into a short, old building with a fairly new sign that says "Wi-Fi Café" in big red cursive. A bell jingles when I walk in, there's a tall man standing behind the counter cleaning a mug. A couple sits talking in the corner and there's another woman on the other side of the café absorbed in her computer. The walls are a dark maroon color, lined with a string of lights and decorated with abstract pictures in mismatched frames. I walk up to the counter and take a seat on a bar stool, the man looks up with tired eyes.

"What'll it be, kid?" his voice is gruff and deep.

I study the little menu on the back wall, "I'll just have some hot chocolate."

He nods and walks over to the drink dispensers, then brings back a white coffee mug with a steaming heap of whipped cream on top. "Here ya' go, kid."

"Thanks," I mumble. I look around one more time, it's started snowing outside, dusting everything over again. I glance at the three other people in the room, the couple are snuggled together, laughing softly. "Business is kinda slow, huh?"

"Yeah, not many people come here anymore. Too many nicer places to go to, and the idiot high-schoolers don't help much, scarin' away all my would-be customers. But it's alright, I get enough people comin' in to keep the place goin'." He picks up another mug and proceeds to wipe it down.

"Well I'd offer to help if I hadn't just got a job."

He glances up at me through his eyebrows, "I'd sure appreciate the help kid, got some heavy liftin' that needs doin'. You think you could come in when ya' can? I'll pay ya'."

I lean back to absorb his sudden offer and think about it a moment. "I think I can work something out." I say as I lean forward on my elbows.

He nods and holds out his hand, "Name's Kit."

I take his hand with a firm grip, "Aiden."

"Nice ta' meet ya' kid." I nod.

I finish my hot cocoa, then glance at the clock and stand, grabbing my jacket. "I have to go, my family's waiting for me. Hey, if you need anything else just call." I scribble the house number on a torn paper and give a small wave as I walk out the door. A strong gust of wind greets me as the door jangles closed behind me. I sigh and pull my hood up, but it just blows off again. As soon as my hand touches the truck's door handle a group of guys surround me. I look up at them, they look normal enough, but their smell is anything but human. "What do you want?" I ask.

"You aren't from around here, are you?" says the biggest guy, he folds his arms over his thick chest.

I don't answer, just pull the car door open. A meaty hand clamps down on my wrist. "you gonna answer the question?" Silence, "What's yer name, boy." I snarl at him and punch him in the face. He stumbles back, holding his jaw. "Yer too quick to fight," he sneers, the other guys laugh as he straightens his shoulders and readies for a fight.

Another guy drawls, "Kitty's got claws."

"Look, I just want to go home." I say, holding my hands up, a scowl still on my face.

"Aw, Kitty wants his Mommy!" says one of the other guys, they all laugh. Fat-hands lunges at me, fist raised. I grab his arm and spin him into the side of the truck, he hits his head hard and stumbles back into his group. Another guy, smaller this time, steps forward and immediately goes for a punch. I spin around and side-step. He plows right into the truck and turns around to come at me again. This time he hits me in the face, hard. I shake away the stars and grab him by the shoulders, swinging him around and into his groupies. A third guy catches me in the ribs as I jump into the truck. They all shout at me as I speed away.

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