Chapter Seven

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(person in image represents Raely)


Aiden is still holding my wrist, dragging me behind him when we reach the forest. I jerk away from him as we round a tree, and bend over, gasping for breath.

"Why are we running? Who was that guy?" I swipe my hair out of my face and stare up at him.

"I don't know, but he and his buddies don't like me for some reason..." he glances behind him, making sure we weren't followed.

"Well, why did you drag me along?"

He looks at me very seriously, "Because he could have hurt you if I'd just left you there..."

"Oh, so you do care!" I fold my arms and lean slightly backward.

He smirks at me, "Of course I care if someone gets hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it was my fault." I laugh and turn back towards the town. "Wait... come this way." Then he turns and walks right into the woods, looking back after a few steps to make sure I'm coming, just like a dog does. So I follow after him.

"Where are we going?" I ask. Of course, he doesn't answer. I sigh and continue walking.

* * *

I don't know how far we walk through the cold night, but it's been quite a while before we finally see a light peeking through the trees. My breath catches in my throat at the image of a quaint little cabin sitting right in the middle of a cluster of trees. A porch wraps around the first floor, and little lamps dot the corners. I'm almost hesitant to step up onto the smooth porch, but I do.

As soon as Aiden opens the door a small girl attacks him. She jumps right onto him, thin arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs bent around his waist. She's grinning evilly as she says, quite loudly, "Aiden! Where've you been? We've been waiting for hours for you to come home. Carry me!" She nearly makes him fall over with all her struggling around on his back. I laugh a little at the sight.

"Ana, calm down..." Aiden tries to pry her off of him, but she still clings to his shoulders, chattering away. "Ana-" He's cut off by her suddenly jerking on his back, begging him to play. He finally gives a great sigh and throws himself and her onto the ground. I almost die with surprise when he cracks a genuine smile. They wrestle for a minute and finally he gets her to let go of him, leaving her cackling on the floor.

Aiden steps over to me, rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry about that, I didn't expect her to do that..."

I don't even reply, I just start laughing. I can't believe something like that could be so funny to me, but it is. I bend over, clenching my sides and gasping for breath as I wipe away the tears squeezing out of my eyes.

Aiden crosses his arms, a small smile playing across his mouth, "Okay, enough of that. Didn't you think I could have some fun with my family?"

I shake my head and stand up, still gasping a little, "It's not that, I just never thought you would let loose for anyone before..." then I stop, his words finally getting through, "Wait, did you say 'family'?"

"Yeah, this is my sister Ana." I look closely at the two of them. They look nothing alike. I mean, sure, they both have dark hair, his is black and hers is a creamy brown, but they have no features that are similar or anything. Are they really related?

"Sister?" I say, pointing a hesitant finger at them.

"Yeah..." he walks over and pulls her up off the floor.

Then another person enters the room. "Well, look who decided to show up," booms a low voice from the hallway. A tall boy, looking to be a tiny bit older than Aiden, with curly dark brown hair walks in. He hooks an arm around his shoulders and looks at me. "And who's this? My name's Derek," he says, holding a huge hand out to me and giving me a charming smile. I smile back nervously and place my small hand in his.

"I'm Raely..." I mutter softly. I didn't expect to be meeting his entire family so soon; actually, not at all.

"Raely..." he says, tasting my name in his mouth, "that's an interesting name, is it Scottish or Irish?"

"I-I don't know, it was my great-grandma's name... Raelyn." He nods, backing off a little, probably seeing that I'm uncomfortable with my current situation.

"Are you guys hungry? There's leftovers from tonight, we saved some for Aiden, but there's enough for two." Ana smiles up at me, her face is slightly rounded, like a child's; she must be no older than thirteen.

Aiden leads me into the kitchen, and snoops around in the fridge for the food Ana mentioned. Opening the tubber-ware lid he sniffs it, making a sound of pleasure in his throat. "Mmm, venison. You ever had deer before?" he says, looking up at me. I shake my head, a little repulsed by the thought. "Oh, then you're in for the meal of your life, Carla is the best cook." he says as he sticks it in the microwave.

I have to say, the deer was really good, I didn't think I would like it but I did.

After our silent dinner we go into the surprisingly large living room. I sit on the floor by the fireplace to finish warming up and Aiden stands just inside the room, looking as though something is troubling him. I open my mouth to ask, but just as I do the clock above the mantle chimes midnight. He looks up at it sharply, realizing just how late it is, and then down at me. "I'd better get you home. Your parents must be worried." He starts for the door, "You stay here and I'll go get my truck."

I stand up, "Why don't I just go with you, I left my car back at the café when we ran off..." he shakes his head and closes the door behind him.

* * *


I lean back against the door, taking a deep breath. My heart leaps around in my chest, slamming into my ribs. It hasn't slowed down since we finished dinner, and seeing her sitting there in front of the fire, her bright red hair glistening in the flickering light, didn't help at all. What's going on with me? I peek back in through the window, she's still sitting there on the floor; my heart skips a beat, and I quickly turn away, shaking my head to clear the fog.

I rip off my thin jacket and throw myself into the black night, Shifting as soon as my feet leave the porch. Then I start to run, dodging trees and leaping over fallen logs and boulders. I almost run straight into a large rock when my train of thought starts to veer back to the house. I quickly shake my head and speed up.

I get to the truck too soon, I knew I should have gone a longer route. I hop into the front, quickly pulling on the spare clothes I keep in the glove box. Then I start the drive back to the cabin.

* * *


It's only been forty minutes when Aiden walks back into the house. I stand and turn when I hear the door open and close. "That was fast," I say as I face him. He just stands there for a minute, then turns and walks back out the door, gesturing with his hand for me to follow. I quickly pick up my coat and jog after him, confused at his silence.

Aiden is quiet the entire way back to the cafe, even when I try to make conversation. He pulls up to the old building and I hop out, just as I step out I hear, "Bye."

"Oh, so now you t-" I say, turning, but he's already dangerously speeding off down the road. I sigh, "Thanks for the ride..." I mutter grumpily, turning and opening my car door. Dad is going to kill me...

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