Nine: Rules and Regulations.

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"Florence Lopp!" Dumbledore literally shouts, louder than I have ever heard him speak before, holding the fifth piece of paper in his hand.

If I thought it was silent as Harry stood up, I was astonished at the disturbing quietness as I jump to my feet. I can feel my teeth chattering, along with my knees knocking together, and my hand shaking at my side.

I take one step, but then I turn back around, to run out the doors.

"Florence, go!" A voice hisses at me. I look over at the full Slytherin table. I meet eyes with my brother. His large brown eyes practically beg me to turn around and go up to the head table. He nods towards the head table, being very persistent.

I bite my bottom lip and take very careful steps up towards Dumbledore and the other teachers. I pass the other house's tables, and their eyes follow my every move.

The silence is shattered by a chorus of hisses spreading throughout the Great Hall like wildfire. Self-consciously, I make my way up to Dumbledore.

"I-" I start to whisper to him, but he cuts me off with a sharp look, peering over his glasses at me.

"Through the doors, Ms. Lopp," He explains, his voice has a tense graveness to it. Panic starts to flame up in my chest. It's one thing to be selected for the champion, but it's another thing if it's breaking the rules of the entire Tournament. They obviously will see that the goblet has made a mistake, and Harry and I will be sent back to cheer on Cedric.

I take small steps, getting closer and closer to the door. Do I have to do this? I give one last look over my shoulder, meeting eyes with Fallon. He shows me a sympathetic smile, encouraging me to follow directions. I don't even bother pretending I'm not scared out of my wits; it's no use.

The heavy door closes behind me, causing me to jump. The portraits that hang on the wall were already engulfed in whispers, gossipping to one another. They lay eyes on me, and they begin to nearly shout to one another in excitement.

"Do zey want us back in ze Hall?" Fleur Delacour asks Harry, but he awkwardly itches the back of his head, not quite sure how to explain it all.

"Florence," Cedric brings everyone's attention to me, and off of Harry. Cedric takes a few steps towards me, giving me a puzzled look. "What are you doing back here?" He asks me.

I open my mouth, unsure how to respond either. I just give Harry a look, seeing if he knew how to put it in words. But, his eyebrows raise as he realizes that he was not alone in this situation.

"We, uh-" I start to speak, mumbling my words, but the door opens and the sound of footsteps approaches us.

"Extraordinary!" Ludo Bagman says quietly, as if he were speaking to himself. He comes up to Harry and I and places his hand on our shoulders, "Absolutely extraordinary! Gentleman... Lady," He turns to look at Cedric, Viktor and Fleur, "May I introduce- incredible though it may seem- the fourth and fifth Triwizard champions?" He beams a smile at us.

I can nearly feel the color leaving my face and I begin to sway back and forth, feeling light-headed. Ludo, nor the others, notice, but Harry grips my shoulder, keeping me upright.

Cedric just looks to me, waiting for an answer, and Viktor stares at Mr. Bagman, his jaw slightly popped. But, Fleur just let's out a high pitched laughter, pushing her silky blonde hair out of her face.

"Vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman," She smiles at him.

"Joke? No, no, not at all!" Bagman responds, his voice full of wonder, "Harry's name came out first, then out popped Florence's; right out of the Goblet of FIre!" He says, nearly bouncing in excitement.

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