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"It hurts!" Weiss whined. I was cleaning so I had to ignore her and finish. Blake went to work at her new job. "Yang! Please!" She whined. I turned and looked at her. She was sobbing softly. "Does your back hurt that much?" I asked sitting behind her.

She leaned back into me and sighed contently. I massaged her shoulders and she moaned softly. Ruby knocked. "Your not supposed to be doing that!" She yelled. "Were not, I'm massaging her back!" I yelled back. Ruby opened the door.

"Oh, okay." Ruby said smiling. Weiss leaned into me, she relaxed under my touch. "H-Hey Ruby." Weiss moaned. I stopped my hands. "Don't moan her name." I said. Weiss nodded. Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Guys! I'm home!" Blake yelled. "Blake!" Weiss whined leaning into me. I wrapped my arms around her. Blake walked in smiling. "Hey Firecracker. Sup Rubes." She said sitting in front of Weiss. "It hurts." Weiss whined. Blake kissed her forehead.

"I know, it won't later." Blake said softly. "Yeah, it'll hurt a lot worse." Ruby mumbled. "Shut up, your not helping." I said angrily. Weiss tensed. "Stop, your too hot!" Weiss said slapping me lightly. I lowered my body temperature. "Sorry." I said softly. She coughed and I stood up. I carried her to the bathroom. She hurled and coughed afterwards. I kissed her neck softly. "You done?" She nodded and I flushed the toilet. I carried her back into our room. Ruby left and Blake was reading.

"You okay, Snowflake?" Blake asked. Weiss shook her head and lay next to her. "I'm hungry." She said softly. Blake purred and snuggled her. "Yang, can you stay here with Weiss?" Blake asked. I nodded and lay down next to Weiss.

"Thank you." Blake said moving away from Weiss. Weiss looked at me and I scooted closer to her. "I like Kitty's cuddles better." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked. "Your boobs are too big and are all up in my face." She said giggling. I covered my chest with my arms.

"Is this better?" I asked. She nodded. "This is painful." I said moving my arms. Her phone rung and she answered smiling. "Hey Winter!" She said excitedly. "Your coming over?" She asked. "When?" Her eyes widen. "Oh, okay." She looked up at me. "Go unlock the door, my sister is here." She commanded. I nodded and got up.

"Hello." I said opening the door. "Who are you?" Winter asked. Her eyes narrowed and I felt nervous. "Y-Yang Xiao Long, Weiss's girlfriend." She nodded and I stepped out of the way. "I'm Winter Schnee, Weiss's sister." She said. I shut the door.

"Where's Weiss?" Winter asked looking around. "She needs bed rest, didn't she tell you?" I asked. Winter turned and raised an eyebrow.

"She didn't tell you she was having a child?" I said tilting my head. Winter's eyes widen. "How long have you known?" She asked. I hummed. "About 4 months now." I said smiling. Winter picked me up by my jacket. "You can see her if you want." I said laughing nervously. Winter dropped me and went upstairs.

I followed her. She was glaring at Weiss. "Firecracker! Snowflake! I'm home!" Blake yelled. I smiled. "Blakey!" I yelled going downstairs.

Blake hugged me. "Who ignited your flame?" She asked chuckling. I picked her up and her tail wrapped around my arm.

"Snowflake! I got you a present!" I yelled smiling. Blake put on her bow. I kicked open the door. "Hey, Kitten." Weiss said smiling. "Kitten?" Winter asked. "That's my girlfriend, Blake." Weiss said smirking. "I got 2 before you even got 1." She mumbled.

"So, your in a 3-way relationship. How does that work? Do you have a favorite? Or do you love them both equally?" Winter asked too many questions. "I couldn't choose just 1." She said. "Do you always use pet names?" She asked. Weiss shook her head. "Not always." Blake said. She glared at me. "Put me down." She said. I smirked. "Say it nicely." I commanded. "Put me down, now." She said. "That wasn't nice at all." I said. Blake was clearly enjoying my teasing, or else she would have hissed and scratched me.

"Please put me down." She said. I put her down and she kissed my cheek. She also kissed Weiss's. "Wait, then what is sleeping like?" Winter asked. Weiss shrugged. "Blake's on my right, Yang's on my left." She said smiling.

"So, do you even know your kid's gender?" Winter asked. Weiss shook her head. "No, but I will." She said grinning. Blake lay beside her and purred. "I'm happy if your happy." She mumbled.

I sat down in front of her. "Me too." I said softly. Weiss smiled softly. "Then your happy and nervous at the same time." She said. I kissed her forehead. Blake poked my shoulder and blushed. I kissed her forehead and she chuckled. "So, every time you kiss Weiss you have to kiss Blake?" Winter asked me.

"Yeah, it's only fair. Plus choosing favorites is wrong." I said. Weiss nodded in agreement. "I'm tired." Blake said laying back. "It's only, 5:30." I said raising an eyebrow. "Are you okay, Kitten?" Weiss asked petting her ear.

"I'm fine, just tired." Blake said yawning. Her tail wrapped around Weiss's leg. "Night, Kitten." I whispered. She started purring.

"She didn't even change first." Weiss said. Winter stood up. "I'll be back in a few months." She said leaving. "So, when you become an aunt?" Weiss asked. Winter nodded smiling. "I'm ready to spoil them." She said.

"You'll have to compete with my sister, and she can bake. Her food is amazing." I said. Winter smirked. "I'm rich remember." She said walking out.

"Blake." I said shaking her lightly. She hissed lightly. "You need to shower." I said softly. She opened her eyes a little. "Does it look like I want to?" She asked. I grabbed the hem of her shirt. "Yes." I said lifting it over her head. She groaned. "No, I'm tired!" She whined. I glared at her. "Only Weiss can whine like that, get up." I commanded. Blake sat up and clung to me. "Carry me." She said softly.

"There." I said putting her down. She looked up at me. "Shower with me." She said sternly. "I can't, it's my night with Weiss." I said crossing my arms. "Oh, yeah." She mumbled. She pushed me lightly. "Go get me my onsie." She said smiling. I nodded and closed the door behind me as I walked out.

"Which one?" I yelled. "The black one!" She yelled back. I went to the closet. "So, cute." I mumbled grabbing it. I went into the bathroom and set it on the counter.

"Yang!" Weiss yelled. I ran into our room. She was in the closet. "Blue or white?" She was talking about the oversized t-shirts I bought her. "Blue." I said nodding. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You owe Blake a kiss." I said chuckling. She giggled.

"Done." Blake said plopping down on the bed. Weiss kissed her cheek.

How Would I Choose 1? (RWBY Bees Schnees)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now