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"Shut up." I said throwing a pillow at Snow. She hissed at me. "Snow?" Mom asked poking her cheek. "Blake! Snow's acting like a cat!" Mom yelled. Dad walked in. "No shit, she's a cat faunus." She said walking over. "I don't know what's wrong with her." Dad said putting her down.

"Who ate all the catnip!" Clark yelled. I looked at Snow she purred. "I need that to not be a total bitch today." Clark said walking into the room. "You and me both." Dad said. "Stop swearing in my house." Mom said slapping Clark on the shoulder. Clark hissed at her.

"So, my sister is high. And Clark is a bitch." I said crossing my arms. Mom glared at me. "Don't make me call Winter." She threatened. Snow jumped on my back and pawed my spike. "If you cut that off I'll cut off your head." I said flicking her nose. She sneezed and almost fell off my back. She hopped down and his under the coffee table. "I can still see you." I said laughing. "No you can't." "Yes I can." "Close your eyes." "No." "Please." "No." "PLEASE." "Fine." "Now you can't see me." She said giggling. I opened my eyes and jumped on the couch. "Don't jump on furniture." Mom said flicking my nose. I sneezed on her hand.

She glared at me. "You guys need to learn some manners." She said taking out her phone. She's calling Winter. "What the fuck just happened." Snow mumbled leaning against my back. "Are you sober?" I asked. She nodded. "I feel like shit though." She said being flicked by mom.

"Hey Winter! I need your help... Yes, again... I don't want to talk to him... Okay see you soon." She said then hung up. I felt my ears twitch. "Daddy! Stop napping without me!" I yelled running upstairs. Daddy sat up and looked at me. "Come on dork." She said flopping back. I lay next to her and wrapped my tail around her knee.


I was shaken awake. "Get up you lazy blonde ass." I looked up at aunt Winter. I glared at her and snuggled into Daddy's side. "Then we'll do this the hard way." She said pulling me away. I hissed and snarled at her. She carried me downstairs and threw me on the couch.

"Why are you such an asshole?" I asked standing. Snow pulled me back down. "Yin you can't hit an adult." She said holding me tightly.


Aunt Winter is Yin's least favorite person on earth. "Farting 101. Never fart in public, or around others." "You are a fart."  Yin mumbled. "What was that?" Winter asked. "Oh, you didn't here me? I said you. Are. A. Fart." Yin said angrily.

I reached over and pet her cat ears. She leaned onto my shoulder. "Continue." I said. Winter pointed at Weiss. "This is pure elegance." She said smiling. "She's not pure anymore." Daddy said coming down the stairs. "Stop saying things like that! It's absurd!" Snow yelled. Winter pet her cat ears. "See, it's easy for Snow." Winter said.

"Yeah cause she's a bi-" I pulled Yin's ear. "What's wring with you today?" I asked. She punched me in the side and went upstairs. "That's one pissed pussy." Daddy said laughing. "The hell is wrong with you?" Weiss asked.

"My love for you... Wait I worded that wrong." She said hugging mom. She was glaring at her. "Asshole." She mumbled hugging back. "You guys are weird." Dad said. "Agreed." I said. "Says the futa and emo kid." (A/N: No Offense.) Mom said.


I was lying on my bed pouting. Normally when I go to my room angry someone comes to check on me.

"Maybe they don't need me anymore." I mumbled to myself. I opened my window and climbed downward into the backyard. I ran towards the fence and jumped over it.

I was walking down the sidewalk. My tail was swaying behind me. "Dumbass Winter. Stupid siblings. Retarded parents." I said angrily. "That's sad." A voice said. I stopped walking and turned. "Amber I don't want to talk to you right now." I said angrily. She frowned and hugged me. "You shouldn't run away from your problems." She said. I hugged her back. "It's more than my problems." I said pushing her away. "Then what is it?" She asked. "I can't tell you." I said. She sighed. "You can tell me anything, I love you remember?" She said with a pained expression. I felt tears roll down my face. "No you don't. Because I can't be with you, don't tell anyone you saw me." I said turning to leave.

I heard her sobbing behind me as I ran away.


"Snow, can you go get Yin for dinner?" Mommy asked. "Yes ma'am." I said going upstairs. I walked down the hallway and tried to open her door. "Yin come eat dinner!" I yelled knocking. There was no response.

"Mommy! Daddy! Dad!" I yelled going downstairs. "I don't think Yin's in her room." I said.  Daddy went upstairs and i followed her. "Yin!" She yelled. No answer. She kicked the door open.

Yin's window was open, some of her stuff was gone. Dad looked out the window. "She's gone." She mumbled running downstairs. "Yin's gone!" She yelled at mommy. Dad stood up from her plate. "What!?" Mom yelled sobbing. She clung to daddy.

Dad hugged her from behind. "Weiss it's okay, we'll find her, sh-" Mom slapped her. "Don't tell me it's okay when you know it won't." She said angrily. Dad crossed her arms. "I was just trying to make you feel better." She said.

"Well you didn't." She said. Daddy let out a loud wail. They both stopped arguing. She clung to mom. "I'll call grandma and grandpa." Clark said standing.

"Don't forget Auntie Ruby and Summer." I said.

How Would I Choose 1? (RWBY Bees Schnees)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now