He Was My Muse

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Never think the impossible is impossible

Never think the unimaginable can't and won't happen

He was my Muse

He was my Joy,

He is the reason I am who I am.

From when I was just a young kid, listening to his music without ever knowing what his words meant...

...To where I stand now, listening to every word of his, like a sacred scripture. A scripture never to be lost and forgotten in the sands of Time.

He was the reason I fell in love with music in the first place...
The reason I fell in love with an era I can only wish I was born into.

He was the reason I wasn't afraid to be who I truly was.
He taught me there's no reason to judge.
There's no reason to go about life being afraid to show your true colors to the world.

He taught me how to forgive,
And how to move on.
But not to forget.

He was the reason I picked up my dad's old guitar and attempted to play it.
I played it awfully, and I laughed at myself for thinking I could ever play guitar like him...
But he's also the reason I never gave up on that old guitar.
And he's the reason why some nights I refuse to put that guitar down.

He was the one that got me through the obstacles of life.
When my parents fought, I would hide in my room and listen to his music...
...because it was a reminder that he went through the same thing as I.
And if he made it through, then I can make it through, too.

He was the reason I woke up, ready to try again in hopes of a better tomorrow.

He taught me that love still exists...
Even when the world seems so deprived of kindness and compassion...
Even when the nights were dark and cold,
And his music was the only thing that guided me through another sleepless night...

He taught me that through unimaginable hardships, you must keep trying,
You must make it through.
And you will...
After every storms comes a rainbow.
After every blizzard comes a warmer spring...

But sometimes,
It snows in April...
...And when that happens, you must pick yourself up and keep fighting through...
Because snow eventually melts.
Pain eventually washes away.
Wounds heal
And scars fade.

He was my Muse

He was my inspiration,

He is always in my heart.

Words cannot describe how I feel.
I won't even try to pretend like it doesn't hurt.
Because it does

Through this tragedy I know I will have to keep on keeping on.
It's all I can do.
It's all I know how to do.
And he taught me that.

I don't know when this pain will stop...
...right now it doesn't feel like it will ever stop.

But I know his pain is over and nothing can hurt him now.
He's an angel now,
And the world will never forget him.
I will never forget him.

So, Angel, this is is just a thank you for being my greatest inspiration throughout my entire life,
My Muse.

Rest in Peace, Angel.

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