Story Of My Life

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Its been a while! Ah Thank you all for the support! Hello to all my new readers!!! This isn't a request because I wanted to give one to all of you. I'm a bit rusty but don't worry I'm here to stay. My writers block finally went away. I'm so happy. Hope you enjoy. Sorry for errors.

Story Of My Life

This always happen, I can never get a break. A break from him and the world. At first, I thought it was going to be better than this. Than what I was facing constantly. He begged me to give him a chance. A chance at true happiness. That he'll be a better person in the process. The thing is, nobody could change him. Harry didn't like to be like others expectations. I knew that, I just chose not to believe it. Thought that maybe I could change is ways. Save his life. Harry isn't exactly the ideal boyfriend my parents wanted. They wanted somebody that was a lawyer. Somebody that knew how to take care of me automatically.

People tried talking me out of dating him. Said he was bad news, he'll break my heart eventally. Harry, of course didn't like that others were putting negative thoughts about him in my heart. In his eyes, he wanted to be the prince I needed. He was protective of me, some times he would over do it a bit but I know his heart is in the right place. Harry and I had many good times in our relationship, its just the bad ones always seem to over look them. All couples argue, I just don't get why others see it as a big deal. Yeah we are verbally fighting, others would think Harry would get physical on me. That's how rumors spread.

Harry wasn't a bad person. He just lived in the shadows of what others said. I didn't use to think of him that way. The negative thoughts made me judge him right away. One day, he changed my mind. My friends had forgot to give me a ride home, Harry was there because he had detention. Instead of leaving me there all alone, he offered to take me home. He was hesitant, he was amused that I said yes and gave him my address. Of there on, we made history. We started hanging out more. Started sneaking into each others houses. No body knew about us, that was the great thing. Harry on the other hand didn't seem to like it. The male attention I was receiving got him mad. That day, we had our very first fight. I was in tears, Harry was comforting me begging me to stop. That's how it all started...

"Y/N, open the damn door now!" Growled Harry. Currently, I was in the bathroom. His loud fist made contact with the door loudly. Sounded as if, he kept hitting the door like that it'll break. In all honesty, it was his fault. The tears that were falling off my cheeks landed on my lap. I couldn't do it anymore. Harry yelled at me for not being home on time. Accused me of being a whore. He usually never calls me names, it must be different today.

"G-Go away, Harry" My voice came out weak full of hurt. How can one make you feel so powerless? His fist stopped pounding on the door just to hear me speak. Never could I win these fights with him. Its neither his way or you leave. We established that a long time ago. Sometimes I would end up winning, but then I would get accused of something so it never does matter. The sound of Harry's heavy footsteps descended away from the door. My heart rate picked up. He would neither break the door down or leave me alone. Which I knew the second one was never an option.

The knob on the door turned slowly all I could do now was wait till Harry yells at me again. Finally the door had opened, then entered Harry. His nostrils were flared, fist were clench tightly, jaw tense. Rule number one, never walk away from him. Broken. Rule number two, don't disobey. Broken. The rules he had given me were for a purpose, so this doesn't happen. I chose not to follow them. That's one thing Harry hated about me, I was stubborn just like him. Then when we would bump heads, World War II would take place. "Why didn't you do as I said." He asked rather calmly, trying not to lose in temper. Harry was towering over me so I stood up and walked closer to him.

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