Chapter 7

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There came times when food was plentiful. The people of Afibia felt generous and decided to share their spoils with other coves through throwing a series of feasts. Merpeople from various coves attended the feasts, packing spoils to take back home with them, as well as making acquaintances with the people of Afibia.

Jeffrey watched from the sidelines with Yunus as mermaids and men alike moved shaped rocks, arranged flowers and created paths in preparation for the feast for the guests that were already present. The cove square was bustling with activity. The singers and instrument players taking their places as some others busied themselves with bringing in shells and container s of food.

Jeffrey watched as a dark-haired mermaid swam across with containers filled with fish bones. Merpeople chewed on small bones like humans would biscuits. The bones had somewhat become one of the few things Jeffrey could tolerate eating.

"She's fine, isn't she?" Yanus said with a grin as the merwoman turned to give him an eye-roll before swimming off. Jeffrey held back a laugh as his friend stared on at the poor merlady as she swam away.

The feast was finally started with a prayer from the oldest council member. Jeffrey searched the gathering with his eyes afterward, finding Aquas keeping close to the tinker he'd come to know as Ramie.

A smile played on Jeffrey's lips as the young merman's eyes met his. Aquas' eyes widened at the shock of being caught staring before he made to abruptly turn away.

There were a couple of performances from merpeople from the cove and invited ones. There was a group of heavily beaded merdancers, who occasionally wandered into the crowd to pull in people to dance with them.

Jeffrey politely declined when a black-tailed merwoman came to persuade him to come to the center and join her in a dance. She'd smiled, swimming away to find someone else.

"Smile and make merry," Yanus encouraged, stealing a shell of shrimps from a passing server's tray.

Jeffrey shrugged, smiling weakly at his friend.

If truth be told, he would have loved to fully participate in the feast, but his mind really where it should be at that moment. He was tired, and only managed to keep his eyes open while yawning periodically.

Sleeping had become something to detest apparently. He couldn't go to sleep without being plugged into an apprehension where he would meet the dark-haired lady. He'd stopped attempting to sleep and anytime he did drift off to sleep unknowingly, he was met with an angrier version of the witch from a previous slip. The witch had probably realized he was ignoring her request.

"You'll regret this!" She'd screeched out of frustration once when Jeffrey had refused to offer a reply to why he hadn't retrieved the pearls.

Her threats to bring him back to the surface went unfulfilled for some reason. She probably was holding back because she felt he would eventually heed to her request, or she possibly couldn't think of any other way to get the pearls she so desired.


Jeffrey's eyes flew open at the sound of his name. He turned to find Yanus giving him an odd look.

"You'll fall over," he commented, watching as Jeffrey rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hands before sighing.

"Soon," Jeffrey admitted as Yanus gave his friend's shoulder a pat of empathy.

"You should rest, there are plenty of opportunities to do that," Yanus said, giving Jeffrey some advice. His gaze soon traveled to the performance being held at the center. Two mermen were putting on a performance with two dolphins, making them perform tricks. From time to time merchildren were called out to pet or offer food to the animals.

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