Letter to readers

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The internet.

13th November, 2016.

Dear reader,

Hey there! This was my first attempt at writing within the fantasy genre. I decided to take a series of already established mythological already in use and incorporated them into my story with slight twists here and there.

Writing this story has been an eye-opening and fun experience. I can say that it has let me both grow as a writer and broaden my comfort zone.

I don't leave A/N's or anything of that sort as I write so I'm taking this opportunity to thank all of you who took the time to read this story. Every library addition, comment, vote and follow is very much appreciated! Thank you so much for your support!

And for those who've been here since the early chapters, I'm really sorry for the slight hiatus' during the writing of this book. 2016 has not been my year health wise and I'd fallen greatly ill three times during the process of writing this story. So, thank you for your patience, and I hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Yours ever grateful,


*If you enjoyed this book so much so that you won't mind checking other stories by me here are a few recommendations:

Acceptance [Completed/Romance/32 parts]

Andrew, a twenty-six-year-old literature graduate has been through more drama than many his age. From suffering obesity to arthritis, and then anorexia after drastic attempts to lose body fat, Andrew grows more conscious of his body. He shields himself from the rest of the world in a reserved cabin tucked away in a small town where he dwells in solitude and self-pity. But things can't stay the same forever and Andrew's carefully planned out walls fall around him with the arrival of his Uncle's fiancee's son Ethan.

But Ethan will more than disrupt Andrew's 'perfect' life, he'll also teach him the sole act of acceptance.

Learning to love [Completed/mature/44 parts/Romance]

Riches aren't everyone's taste and that's the case of Zeus Darcanius. Zeus Darcanius; rich, powerful and influential hasn't always been the confident strong headed man he is. A pained past refusing to fade away continually hunts him, memories continually weighing down his heart making it heavy, the taste for riches only powered by the taste for revenge.

Love and marriage isn't everyone's treat and by everyone I mean Julian Andrews. He finds himself swayed into an unhappy marriage he can't even remember how he got into.Love isn't something he's experienced until he finds something unexpectedly close with Zeus Darcanius.

But what in the world is Zeus hiding?

Nerd Alert! [Completed/27 parts/Humor]

Alexander isn't your typical nerd. He'll say what he wants, do what he wants, and verbally bash you while doing it. That's what Travis, a jock assigned to be tutored by Alexander, hates most about him.

Confusing feelings, a drunken party, and a month of tutoring was all it took to get Travis to realize he was head over heels for the sharp-tongued Alex.Now, if only he knew where Alex's sarcasm switch was.

The Genius [Teen fiction/27 parts/Completed]

*Follow the external link to read 'The genius if you're on your PC.

Wyatt Wilson has always been at the top of the grade. He's winning every quiz, debate and academic Olympic under the sun. His teachers adore him, his mates envy him and everyone generally thinks his parents are genuinely proud of him. But that's not the Wilson household for you. Meet the Wilsons, a family of seemingly generational artists. Wyatt's parents aren't interested in grades and scholarships; they're interested in art contests, exhibitions and art style. Every Wilson can create art... except for Wyatt.

As Wyatt struggles with being accepted at home a new threat in form of a foreign exchange student threatens to take his place at the top of the class. Can Wyatt cope with losing the one thing that makes him relevant?

Finding August [Romance/27 Parts/Completed]

August walked out of Vincent's life the same way he walked in- unexpectedly.Vincent had a decent quite life working as a tattoo artist in the city of Detroit until the runway aspiring artist August knocks at his front door asking for a home. August promises it will only be for a year and Vincent agrees, but Vincent never knew that August keeping to that promise was going to be so painful.

Now Vincent sees August in the news just months after his disappearance. August is makings it big and will be holding his first exhibition in New York. The thing is, Vincent can't just seem to stop himself from chasing after him.

Symphony [General fiction/Ongoing]

sym•pho•ny [símfənee](Plural sym•pho•nies) Noun Complex musical composition: a major work for an orchestra, including wind, string, and percussion instruments, usually composed in four movements, at least one of which is in sonata form.

Alejandro is what you would call a prodigy, a musical genius. Growing up as a blind student of the piano has always been though. He'd had to prove time and time again that he was worth the effort and eventually clawed his way to the top.

But his handicap threatens to shatter his future dreams and aspirations. How on earth is he supposed to play in a symphony if he can't read music? There comes help, there comes hope, and there comes the biggest compromise in the form of love from another man.

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