new guys

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(Y/n) = your male name
(E/c) = eye colour
(H/c) = hair colour
(H/s) = High school
(L/n) = last name

??? P.o.v.
I woke up to very hard and loud knocking at my door, very tiredly I got up to see what it was, and of course, the one and only stick in the mud, Tim, and even though he had his mask on I could tell he was annoyed, "get dressed and go to the bosses office, he has a mission for me, you, jeff, and hoodie. And hurry up." He said very annoyed, wait, what does he mean by get dressed? I am dressed. And as I looked down, I forgot I passed out last night on my bed after getting out of the shower, I am completely naked, shit. After putting on my usual attire, my hat shirt and leggings, I went to see what the oh so mighty boss wanted. As I went down the hall I was wondering what I should say when I entered the bosses office, then I got an idea. "WASSUP FAGGOTS!" I practically screamed. "BEN, hoodie, jeff, and masky, I need you three to go to (h/s) and track down a student that goes there, he goes by the name of (y/n), now leave, and BEN, next time you do something like that again, you shall be purchased. Now leave."

Readers p.o.v.

It was a normal boring ass school day, I woke up in my boxers, quickly took a shower, got dressed, and left for the fucking bus so it can come pick my ass up to take me to the hell called school. But as usual as I walked in the door of (h/s) the halls went silent, the crowd parted ways as I walked allowing me easy access to my locker, the reason everyone is like this? I'm dominant in this school. Whenever there is a new guy I always assert my dominance and put them in their place. And as usual I was messing around with my friend Jake (sorry if that your name, change if you would like to) to make the time pass, then I heard the bell ring that means class has started, I waited a bit longer until about ten minutes later I then went to my first class, English. "Mr. (L/n), you're late like always." The teacher Mrs. Smith said annoyed, and me being the cocky guy I am I replied "Yes I know that I'm late, but at least I actually showed up, and may I remind you that I don't care." After saying that I went to sit down in my desk but there was a guy sitting in it. So me being me I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt lifted him out of my desk and pushed him down on the ground and then I sat down in my desk. "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?" You heard an unfamiliar voice say, when you look for the source of the voice, it was the guy who was in your desk, "what the fuck is wrong with me? Heh heh, you must not know who I am, heh heh, I was going to do this after class, but I guess I should just do it right now." You said this while standing up, you were about an inch taller than this guy, with you being 6:4 (six foot four inches) you sucker punched the pale brown haired boy straight in the nose while hearing a satisfying crack. You smirked as the teacher ran towards the boy kneeling down next to him. She immediately told someone to take him to the nurse, while telling you to sit back down. You obeyed for once. You were starting to get bored in class so you got out your journal and started to draw, then you felt someone tapping your shoulder, you looked and it was another unfamiliar face, he had brown hair, brown eyes, then he started to speak. "H-Hey umm, w-we are p-partners for a-an assignment t-the t-teacher g-gave us a-and s-s-she says w-we n-need to w-work o-on it t-together a-and t-that it is h-half of our g-grade." You honestly didn't care about what he was saying so you just looked up at the board and started writing down everything that was written on it.

Hey guys it is me luna! And I really really hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will try to update as much as i can which will usually be at night for me, because i am pretty much nocturnal. ANYWAYS PEACE OUT HOMIES!

Creepypasta Hoodie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now