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You were usually just the intern in the building. You helped out Kevin when he couldn't figure out how to work something and filled in for him when he ran off to play hide and seek. Sure, you weren't paid, but you didn't mind since you've always been interested in the supernatural; not to mention how sweet and funny your coworkers were. Abby was always kind and welcoming, even when the Chinese place messed up her order. Erin was nice enough, although she was very awkward and a bit shy. Patty always had funny stories that you overheard, but you were too intimidated by her to really get to know her. Then there was Jillian. Dr. Holtzmann had caught your eye since the first time you saw the ghostbusters in real life. You had attended the concert that they had caught their first ghost at. While the ghost was frightening and exciting, you couldn't pull your eyes away from her. That day you had decided to do whatever you could to work for the ghostbusters. Holtzmann was always winking at you and trying to get you as involved in the team's conversations as possible. You never actually contributed to any of them since you never went on any missions and you certainly weren't a scientist. Every once in a while you caught her dancing while tinkering with a new creation and a smirk would escape your lips. Abby often caught you looking or smiling at her and gave you a thumbs up, a blush creeping into your face.
"Hey, intern, can you hand me that screwdriver?" Dr. Holtzmann muttered to you as you walked past her desk in the basement to get coffee.
"Uh.." You looked around and finally laid eyes on two screwdrivers right besides each other. "Which one do you need?"
"The Phillip's head." She said as she tested the working part of her creation.
"Ah yes," you said to yourself, trying to remember if Phillips head was the x one or the flat one. "Phillips head..." You reached for the one on the left and looked up to her for approval. She silently shook her head 'no' and your hand moved to the one on the right and you quickly hand it to her. You quickly walk back to your desk upstairs and slump down in your chair. "Ugh what an idiot." You say under your breath as you lean forward and hit your head repeatedly on your desk.
"I wouldn't say you're an idiot." You hear from the basement door. Your head shoots up and you feel your face heat up. Dr. Holtzmann followed you upstairs.
"Dr. Holtzmann! Hi, do you need anything?" You accidentally speak a lot louder than you intended.
"First of all, cmon kid, I've told you a bunch of times, call me Jillian." She chuckles. You nod very seriously as you straighten your glasses. "Second of all, since it's been pretty slow up here, wanna come help me?"
You feel your heart beat quicken and you shoot up from your spinny-chair.
"Well I'll take that as a yes. Follow me into the abyss!" She says turning in her heels and walking down the basement steps. You trail after her cowardly, worrying about anything and everything that could go wrong. You then realize that she's been explaining which tools are what and you haven't been paying attention the whole time.
"Got that, babe?" Jillian asks innocently.
"B-b-babe?" You stammer out, even more flustered than you thought possible. Jillian let out a dramatic 'HA!' and carried on with her work. You said down on a stool at the end of her desk and waiting for any further instruction.
"Would you mind turning on some music? I can't concentrate unless I'm alone or listening to music." She added, pushing her phone at me. You nodded and grabbed it.
"Um, what's your password?" You ask quietly.
"3286, spells out ecto." She explains calmly. I nod and play the most recently listened to Spotify playlist entitled 'work jams'. The song 'tainted love' by Soft Cell came on.
"Oh yeah." She muttered as the intro played and she pushed her yellow
goggles onto her forehead, replacing them with her yellow glasses. Jillian immediately started mouthing the words, using the screwdriver from earlier as a microphone. She constantly made eye contact with you as she sang and swayed her hips rather attractively. "Join in [y/n], c'mon" she urged. You laughed and sang with her, getting more and more comfortable. Eventually you were both singing and dancing on each other. Jillian had completely abandoned her project and was dancing with you, her hands on your waist. You were practically singing to each other by the bridge of the song [which the lyrics are 'touch me baby, tainted love' over and over For anyone who doesn't know the song ;)] and there was some sort of a connection. The song ended and we were left staring at each other in an embrace.
"That was fun," she chuckled and it sent shivers down your spine. You laughed awkwardly and sat back down. "Hey, you're hot. Let's go out." She quickly said, making your entire body stiffen.
"Y-yeah, okay. That sounds great." You smile and look up at her.
"FINALLY!" Abby called from the doorway, standing with the rest of the the squad.
"YATES, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" Holtzmann shouted, pulling her glasses off rather violently.
"Longer than you would have liked." Abby smirked as Erin stifled a laugh. "Glad to see the newbie is finally expressing her secret attraction." Abby said, making you blush and divert your eyes from your new girlfriend. Jillian's mouth gaped open and looked over at you.
"You had a crush on me the whole time? Nice, same here." Holtzmann raised her hand for a high five. You laughed and reciprocated the gesture awkwardly.
"So, tonight. Eight o'clock. Bar down the street. See ya." She stated, pointing at you dramatically. You nodded and trudged upstairs happily. This is gonna be fun.

Ghostbusters Imagines // japhanlesterWhere stories live. Discover now