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Birds tweeted and chirped as the sun shot golden rays of brightness through the curtains in her dark bedroom. She pulled the blankets over her head but her alarm clock decided to ring causing her to stuff her head into her pillow and hit the top of the clock. [F/N] got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready. 

Pulling up her black thigh-length socks, she read the note her mother left her on the dinning table:

'Good luck on your first day of school ^-^ Make a lot of good friends and have fun!! ~Mum'

The girl sighed, grabed her bag then headed to the door and slipped on her brown Haruta loafers. 


Transferring schools in the middle of the term due to her mother's work wasn't  going to be easy. Everyone already had their own group of friends and don't get started on the girl's social skills...

Amidst all of the familiar Karasuno uniforms, [F/N] tried to stroll comfortably like every body else while hiding her face behind her [H/C] strands. 


She halted and looked above her to where a pudding-coloured cat was trembling on a branch. The girl didn't know what to do and froze for a few minutes while looking at the cat, hoping someone else much taller than her would help the little critter 

But as she waited, the crowd started decreasing while heading towards the school. She knew she was going to be late but she couldn't leave the fluffy little one alone on a branch like that! What if it fell?!

By now no one was in sight, there were still some time before class began. People these days..

The petite girl tried to rescue the cat by herself using the 'Come here, I'll catch you~' method, but that didn't help at all. 

Now there was no other choice, [F/N] leaned her bag to the wall and started climbing up the tree and managed to grab the critter and dropped it to a fence nearby where it hopped down and strutted down the path

"Good~ Now let's get down--" 

She was cut off when she slipped off from her footing on the tree, her eyes went wide before squeezing it shut waiting for the hard impact of the floor.....

[F/N] felt a pair of strong arms clutching her back and both of her legs in a princess-carry

"Phew! Glad I made it on time!" A male's voice spoke

The girl opened her [E/C] eyes and met a pair of hazel ones...

The male who saved her had light grey hair.. the mole under his hazel brown eyes... and a gentle smile that she'll never be able to forget


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