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"[F/N]!!! Come eat with us!" A cheerful boy with unruly, orange hair who made friends with [F/N] called out

She smiled and nodded

"Alright, I'll be there soon!" she answered back and he disappeared into the corridor

[F/N] was glad that she made a friend with Hinata right on the first day, from then on he introduced her to the rest of his volleyball friends, she also got to know the person who saved her...

Sugawara Kōshi-senpai

Even though she wasn't a part of the volleyball team, they always welcomed her so she would volunteer to help them to clean up after practice and help Kageyama and Hinata to study when Hitoka-chan is busy (because she was quite smart) and because she would take any chance to see or talk to Sugawara-senpai


Today when she arrived at the gym, her heartthrob was nowhere to be seen

She looked left and right, observed every spot

'His water bottle isn't here... His lunch isn't here either.. Why isn't he here today? Was he absent? Is he sick? What if there's no one to take care of him?? AJKDFHGJFEWAHRJKEWAFNJANCSE'

The girl panicked and turned pale 

Most members of the volleyball team seemed to be amused by the girl's reactions since they knew she had a huge crush on their vice-captain... Well, most of them knew... except for some dense ones... including the vice-captain himself 

"Calm down [L/N], Kōshi just went to the Staff Office, he'll be here soon" Daichi, the captain assured her

"Ah-oh-um- Thank you- I-I mean, I wasn't looking for Sugawara-senpai!" she stuttered in embarrassment 

"Hahaha, everyone knows that you have a thing for Sugawara-senpai, [L/N]-chan! Don't worry about it" Tanaka laughed loudly

Daichi then hit the back of Tanaka's head

"Don't embarrass her!" he scolded

"Ehhh??? [F/N] likes Sugawara-senpai?!!!" Hinata asked in surprise causing Daichi to hit both Hinata and Tanaka again

By now, the [H/C]-haired girl turned as red as Nekoma's volleyball uniform

"Shhhh, p-please don't tell Senpai!" she begged with a worried look on her face

"O-Of course we won't tell him, [F/N]-chan! Promise!" Hitoka replied, trying to rid the nervousness off her friend

"Tell who what?" a familiar voice entered the gym with the usual smile

"NOTHING!" the whole team replied with a fake laugh and a sweat drop on everyone's face


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