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I'm so sorry for the really long hiatus. //Blaming it all on writer's block


▶︎ Accessorize. Put your confidence on.

  The girl was even more nervous and excited every time her crush was within her sight. Ever since he held her hand, she was fidgety and kept her distance from him. Her friends were sure that she'd explode, blood, guts and all if Senpai touched her again.

Summer was approaching and [F/N] was required to change her uniform. She took this chance to do as her ' ▶︎How-To: Get a Guy In 5 Steps' guide said and accessorize. 


She sighed while looking at the full-length mirror. A few strands of her hair were twisted around her finger. She turned to look at her back to check if her skirt was neatly pleated.

"Whatever! I hope this is fine.." 

The girl grabbed her bag and rushed out


"Oooh, lookin' cute today [F/N]-chan!"

Tanaka complimented her at lunch. 

"Re-really? Thank you.."

She stuffed her yakisoba bread quickly down her throat. Some of her friends smiled and some chuckled at how she changed her hairstyle into low twin-tails for her Senpai

"Want some chocolate?"

"Really? Thank you Nishinoya-senpai"

"Anything for you, cutie!"

She cringed and sweatdropped but she accepted the chocolates 

[F/N] glanced at Sugawara's hand from time to time while he ate his lunch. He caught her eyes at some point. He smiled, but it looked forced.

Eh? What's wrong with Senpai?


After class, [F/N] stayed after for cleaning duties. Her partner left early because of club practice.


She let out a soft and satisfied sigh, quite proud that she managed to finish early alone. The girl went back to her seat and started a maths assignment since the Volleyball club was still practicing. She popped a couple chocolates into her mouth that Nishinoya had given her earlier.

"Ah. It tastes alcoholic," she commented

Sugawara-Senpai didn't look very happy today... Why..?

[F/N] got sleepier by every problem she solved. She succumbed to her sleepiness and took a nap.


An hour later, Shimizu asked Sugawara to check in on [F/N] since she was supposed to come down earlier

The setter visited her classroom and found her head tucked in between her arms. Quietly snoozing peacefully. 

He chuckled and ran his finger down her twin tail gently.

"You know.. you make me crazy, [F/N]-chan.. the way you're so friendly with Kageyama.. the way you look so adorable by just changing your hair"

He suppressed his urge to just pick her up and carry her away

"Hmm..? Sen..pai..?" 

As she was half asleep and half drunk from the chocolates, she smiled

"Senpai... What's wrong with you today? You looked a bit angry... Smile!"

The girl reached over to his hand before falling asleep again


"Sugawara-senpai?? [F/N]-chan???"

Hinata's loud voice boomed through the hallway until he reached the classroom

[F/N] woke up immediately out of surprise 

"Y-yes?! I swear I wasn't asleep, sensei!..... huh?"

Sugawara laughed


It took a second for her to come to her senses and she started chuckling along with her Senpai

"What's going on in here?? The practice's over!! We have to go for Pork Buns~~! Oh, I forgot to get my jacket... See you guys down stairs!"

Hinata rushed out as fast as he rushed in


As everyone got their pork buns, Sugawara eyed [F/N]'s twin tails. He reached over to her hand and started strolling towards her house's direction

"I'm going to send [F/N]-chan home, it's late"

The tip of [F/N]'s ears burnt hot like the pork bun in her hand. But she took a breath and walked hand-in-hand with the setter. Everyone said goodbye and some of them had huge smiles on their faces.


They stopped at her front porch and before she stepped inside, he called out to her

"[F/N]-chan.. One moment.."


"You... you looked cute today. Well then, see you tomorrow"

He smiled before he continued his walk home


After walking for a few minutes, Kōshi slapped his cheeks with both palms

That was nerve-wracking...

▶︎ Mission 4 || Complete


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