Chapter I

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Waking up with a jolt, I scan the room with hazy eyes and uneven breaths, my chest rising and falling in a rapid pace. Looking over at Fiora's bed, I notice a figure under the blankets, indicating my roommate sleeping peacefully underneath those blankets. Glancing outside the window, I saw nothing but pitch black.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared into the black pools, memories washing over me like harsh waves. Raising a shaky hand to my forehead, I lay back down into the soft mattress and attempt to steady my breathing.

Three weeks.

In only three weeks time, I would have to be shoved back into that wretched hallway. The same hallway that had been flooded with the tension of around a hundred fourteen year olds. And now after three blissful years of passing the Element Search, a new test was coming up.

And boy was it coming up fast.

The only difference is that this test wasn't nearly as important as the first one, that is, if you don't give two shits about popularity or your safety.

The Chosen Element.

The chosen ones were always the most famous around and everybody knew them, including anti social freaks such as me. But then again, most fire elementals were anti social.

And even though the chosen element test was always the most nerve wracking for the populars, it doesn't mean I couldn't be nervous for it either. I was a bit scared honestly, the fact that anybody has the chance of being a chosen, even me - which is pretty hard to believe - is pretty frightening. It would be a lot of responsibility, plenty of determination, and loads of loyalty on their shoulders.

Which is exactly why I couldn't be one.

Letting out a stuttered sigh, I sit up against the beds' head board and allow my heavy eyelids to droop down, just hoping for time to freeze or maybe a black hole could suck me up.

Yes, a black hole. Extra large so it could fit Brianna and her big mouth. It was quite obvious that she wouldn't be a chosen element, both her hometown and all the water elements would fall apart with her in charge of them.

Rubbing my face with my hands, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, leaning over slightly as black, yellow and pink hair strands fall in front of my face.

Good god, my hair knew my emotions better than myself.

I suppose that was the main flaw with myself, my hair just never knew when to shut up with its stupid color changing. I mean, could it hurt to just stop showing everybody how I'm feeling?

Breathing out an annoyed sigh, I push back my hair and stand up. With cautious steps as to not wake Fiora, I pull on a pair of blue beach sandals I found near me on the floor and tie my hair up into a messy bun before slipping out into the cool hallway of the dorm building.

With a quick scan of the hallway, I make my way towards the exit, silently wincing as the sandals flipped and flopped against the tiled floor. I let my eyes wander around again before pushing open the exit door and into the cold, windy night.

I tried not to think about everything that was coming up. There was winter break starting up at the end of the week, going back to hometown, the test..

Damn, I'm thinking about it again!

I mentally shake my head and rub my hands against my bare arms as I walk towards the closest bench, why had I come out here again? Fresh air, was it?

Yes, of course, fresh air. That always seemed to calm me down, just the feeling of the wind in my face.

Minus the dried up eyes and freezing cheeks, and it could actually be the best things. Sometimes I just wish the wind was a person, I'm sure it'll understand.

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