Chapter 1 ll 'The Christmas tree that did not buy that packet of sweets for me'

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Chris can't decide if he likes or detests the incessant beeping in the background while he drowns in memories and sorrow.

On one hand, it provides the comfort that he so desperately needs but can't seem to find from his friends or from the doctor's words of reassurance.

On the other, it's a stark reminder that the love of his life is lying coldly on the hospital bed, her gentle rise and fall of her chest the only indication that she is okay, besides the noisy beeping of the heart monitor.

Images of their recent fight flashes across his eyes as he stares on unblinkingly at her profile, his unrelenting grip on her cold, soft hand tightens instinctively.

He hated fighting with Zoey. They rarely had any arguments in the first place due to both of their peace-loving and unassertive nature, but when they do, it's explosive and really, really scary because it takes a lot for them to get worked up to the point of opposing each other through harsh, loud words and anger.

The fight ended with Zoey in tears and a panting Chris that wanted to tear his hair out, either with the inconclusive argument or the sight of his lover with teary eyes and an indignant but pitiful glare.

He doesn't even want to remember why they fought, it's been almost a week since he had a proper conversation with Zoey, a week since they slept in the same bed, a week since he had to fight back his own tears listening to his girlfriend's choked whimpers and sobs in the bathroom.

He was miserable, Zoey was miserable, all of their friends that were caught between the both of them were miserable, but the little despicable thing called pride kept niggling at the back of their minds, coaxing them to not give in.

And look where that got them.

Now he's even more miserable. He misses Zoey's sweet smiles that he would wake up to, he misses her clinginess while she's sleeping, he misses the happiness that Zoey grants him.

But his said lover is now unconscious, after collapsing right in front of him when he came back home from his part time job to the stagnant silence that has been a constant for the both of them throughout the entire span of their cold war.

He was just setting down his backpack and keys when he heard a soft whimper, followed by a pale looking Zoey stumbling around the corner, into his sight.

And before he had the chance to register what the hell is going on, Zoey crumbles onto the ground like a fragile doll.

He then later finds out that Zoey's been running on a high fever since the night before and is suffering from over-exhaustion due to the sleepless nights as the aftermath of their fight. The emotional turmoil of her worrying about their relationship didn't help either.

To say Chris feels guilty is an understatement.

Because he feels so fucking guilty, okay.

The one person whom he cares about more than himself other than Emma collapsed! Right! In front! Of him! And guess what! He could have better taken care of her! If only he had apologised earlier!

So yeah, Chris feels like shit.


His eyelids were just about fall shut to drift off into a much needed slumber when a shout from behind him jerked him fully awake.

"Chris my brother!"

Chris manages to turn around and open his arms just in time for the tiny Emma to launch herself into his lap.

"Hello, my favourite brother - "

"I'm your only sibling."

" - you look like shit, please take care of yourself. You wouldn't want Zoey to wake up to an ugly boyfriend staring at her. Brrrrrr." Emma fakes a shiver of fear and disgust.

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