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Hey guys! Welcome to my new story, The Savages.

Some of you that have followed me for a while may have read the original copy when I tried to start it up about 1 - 2 years ago, but I'm hoping this one will take off and hopefully get finished this time around :)

This is a Rick Savage fanfiction. None of the characters in this story are real, but are based on his looks from over the years.

I hope you enjoy it, and please don't hesitate to vote, comment or share.

In memory of Aunty Norma - 17/09/2017


The forest passed by in a blur. Birds and small mammals ran for cover as the grey and white wolf tailed his foe, jaws snapping at the taunting black shadow. Beside him, running at super sonic speed impossible for human eyes to see, was his brother. The two were a team; tracking and killing any unwanted trespassers that wandered on to their land. Both were trained killers, living under the roof of their oldest brother. Though he was known for his unconditional kindness to strangers, he ran a tight ship, always ensuring his younger siblings were prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

Tonight was a prime example why.

Thin, long overhanging branches scratched at the wolf's fur as he quickened his pace to match his brother's, the sound of his large paws thumping on the ground the only thing he could hear. Through the darkness, he searched for his brother and found Stephen had extended their boundary line out towards the west. Shannon saw him as he rushed through the trees, zig zagging in and out of the thick black pillars with precision. Up ahead, their enemy gained speed.

Shannon gave it his all, increasing the width of his strides as much as he could in order to run faster. Being half-mortal meant that he was limited in his abilities, whereas Stephen could go on for hours and hours without once needing a break. That was the only difference between them. Other than that, they were one; a unit moving together in perfect synchronisation, only needing telepathy to communicate what the other was thinking.

A tree, ripped out from its roots, flew through the air in Shannon's direction. Eyeing it immediately, he pushed his front paws into the dirt and sprung himself up through the air. The breeze created from the airborne object rustled the fur on his stomach, disappearing the moment he landed on all fours, unscathed and unhurt. His bloodlust was stronger than ever, driving him forward to where the faint shadow had now come into better perception, revealing the back of a brown leather jacket shining white underneath the moonlight.

He moved across to a small opening in the trees where he knew his brother would be, his calculation proven correct when a pair of runners landed on his back. Stephen crouched into position and leaned forward, remaining completely balanced the closer they approached. Seizing his opportunity, he leapt forward from Shannon's shoulders, twirling elegantly through the air like a ballet dancer with his eyes peacefully closed. They snapped open the moment he landed on their enemy's back, drawing an agonising scream from her as his sharp claws dug into flesh, drawing blood.

Both Stephen and the woman toppled to the forest floor, the dew covered leaves crackling slightly underneath their combined weight. Within seconds the woman was on her feet, brushing dirt from her arms. Stephen was already standing by the time Shannon's transformation wore off and he joined them, looking every bit human. His light blonde curls, like Stephen's, fell into his eyes. He shook them away from his face without a thought, folding his muscular arms across the front of his plain white t-shirt.

"What are you doing here?" Stephen hissed at the foreign vampire, his elongated canines poking out from the shelter of his upper lip. His blood red eyes studied her with disgust, looking the least bit impressed with what they saw.

The brunette's identical eyes shifted from Shannon to Stephen; from werewolf to vampire, dancing with amusement as cold as her skin. "I came here to hunt. I figured it would be safer, since the humans are going crazy trying to figure out why people keep dying in their precious little town."

Stephen instantly knew she was lying. "The truth." He grit through his teeth, his jaw clenching.

Shannon stepped up behind his brother, placing a calming hand over the span of his shoulder. He was well aware how worked up Stephen could become in such a short amount of time. If the female vampire pushed him any further, he knew what would happen. It was the same thing that always happened.

The vampire watched them intently, the trace of a smirk ghosting her bow shaped lips. "I'd rather die than answer to a couple of freaks like you."

Stephen's hand was instantly around her throat, choking the air out of her body. Though vampires did not require the action of breathing, some tended to. It was how they managed to fit in with the humans, going undetected for centuries. If anyone found out their true identity, by chance, it was already too late.

Shannon had witnessed one too many bodies washed up on the beach, dumped in lakes, ponds and rivers, all drained of blood. He could remember in clear detail the bite marks on the side of their necks, and the suspicious fingers people pointed at his brother. Stephen never committed any of those murders. He held a great deal of respect for the humans, and would never harm them in such a brutal way.

The female vampire backflipped through the air, driving her foot out in front of her as she swung forward, gripping on to a branch for extra leverage. Stephen swerved away from her, turning a full three-sixty degree angle. She tried to avoid his attack, jumping out the way as fast as she could. His knuckles connected with her collar bone before she had the chance, a loud, disgusting snap filling Shannon's ears.

She groaned in pain, too distracted by the breakage to anticipate when the next attack would come. Surely enough, Stephen took advantage of the situation. He wrapped her long hair around his fist, smashing her face into the boulder on his right. More loud snaps and cracks drummed into Shannon's ears the longer Stephen's assault went on. By the end of it, Stephen was covered head-to-toe in blood, the hard muscles in his shoulders and chest becoming visible as rain began to fall in hard sheets.

"Come on," Shannon breathed a sigh, wrapping his arm around Stephen's trembling shoulders. "Let's go home."

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