Chapter One- What Exactly Am I?

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Chapter One- What Exactly Am I?

Annabeth's POV

"Anna! It's time to get up!" my mom screeched from downstairs.

"Uggggh," I moaned.

"Ok! Ok! I'm up!" I yelled. I lay in bed for a couple minutes then decided to actually get up. I looked in my closet and decided what to wear. I picked out two outfits that I couldn't choose between. Dress... or {shorts and a shirt} a normal outfit...

"Mom! Should I wear a dress or a shirt and shorts?!" I yelled down the stairs. She was silent for a couple of moments then she yelled,"Dress! Wear the dress!"


I put the dress on my patterned blue bed sheet and put the other outfit back in my closet. I took my pajamas off and slipped into my dress. It's a pretty blue with some really intricate light blue designs at the very bottom within the folds of material. I grabbed my hair brush and make-up then went into my bathroom. I put everything down then pulled the rubber band out of my long ombre {HOW DO YOU SPELL IT AHHHHH} dark brown hair.

"Ouch!" I squeaked as some of my hair was pulled out along with the rubber band. I grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair. When I was through pulling my hair out, I put my hair up. I start where you would start a pony tail then once, twice, and half-way through the third twist and stop. I looked in the mirror and messed with it a little to make it prettier. Then I grabbed my mascara (which is blue) and my blue eye shadow and applied them to my face. I cleaned up some mess-ups then gathered my things and went back to my room. I put everything back where it belongs and walked downstairs. When I got in view of the breakfast table my heart sunk, my brother Cody was sitting at the table. Not that I don't love him or anything, no I love him to death, but he can kind of be a pain because his heart is set on everything Erudite and talks about it all the time while my heart is somewhere else. But of course Mom and Dad love it so they let him talk.

"Morning!" I said and kissed them all.

"Morning sweetie," my dad said smiling.

"Did you sleep well?" my mother asked.

"Yes mom," I said exasperated.

"Morning little sis," Cody winked at me.

"We're twins Cody!" I exclaimed sitting down by him and serving myself food.

"Yes, but I'm older than you by 3 minutes," he said nudging my arm.

"Ugh whatever," I said and started eating my strawberry oatmeal.

"I'm always right," he said.

Yes, and that's what is so annoying about you I thought. I ate relatively fast then slid my chair back.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"Yes you may," my dad said before my mom could answer earning a death glare from her.

"Thanks dad!" I said then grabbed my dishes and walked to the kitchen. I put everything in the sink then walked back to the table where Cody was going on about some Erudite... stuff. I pushed in my chair then walked up the stairs, resiting the urge to dash up the stairs like the Dauntless within me. When I got to my room I plopped down onto my bed. I glanced at the clock and groaned. Half an hour more. What can I do? I'm Dauntless through and through, forgetting I was born Erudite, meaning I can't NOT do anything. I have be doing something. But what?

~Le Magical Time Skip To Half An Hour Later~

"Anna! Time to go!" Cody yelled from downstairs.

FINALLY! I've been sitting here bored out of my mind for the past half hour.

"Alright! Coming!" I yelled grabbing my favorite beret. I pulled it on and fixed it so it looked perfect. How do I know without a mirror? I don't even know myself. I walked into the front room and saw Cody waiting for me.

"C'mon let's gooooo," I whined.

"Mmm ok," Cody said and walked out the door. We walked to the Aptitude Test building {I'm doing this from memory (even though I've read Divergent 4 times) so plz bear with me} in about 10 minutes. We walked in and sat down on one of the benches.

"Cody Milbrand and Annabeth Milbrand," the lady called. I glanced at Cody and then walked into the testing room.

"Hello," a nice looking lady said.

"Hi," I said and looked around at all the mirrors.

"My name is Tris and I will be running your aptitude test today," she smiled. I glanced at her clothes, black.

"Alright," I said.

"So just sit in the chair and we'll begin," she said. I walked over and sat in the chair.

~Time Skip Because I Can't Write The Aptitude Test~

When my vision cleared Tris was standing over the monitor looking worried.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked still a little disoriented from the test.

"You have an aptitude for 3 factions," Tris said. "Dauntless, Amity, and Abnegation their strength in that order, greatest to least."

"Wait but that means..." I gasped.

"Yes you're Divergent," Tris said solemnly.

"I-I'm WHAT?!?!??!" I screeched.

"I trust you know what that means, what it entails, and that you must tell no one of this?" Tris asked me, looking me straight in the eye.

"Y-yes I do," I said shakily.

"I'll enter your aptitude test score as Dauntless, seeing as it's the strongest," Tris said. "But it's all I can do, hiding it will be your responsibility. Do you understand?" Tris asked me.

"Yes," I do.

"Good, now I must get another. Might  see you again?"

"Most likely," I replied smiling.

"Good," she said and then winked at me.

I walked out in a daze. I'm Divergent, I'm Divergent, I'm Divergent.


A/N OK! First chapter doooooone! :D Adnd I have nothing else to say here so.

Gooooooooood Byyyyyye! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Kisses! ~Allison (>^ω^<)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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