Day 4 - Under Pressure

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Stuff's gonna happen and all, bleh
ANYWAYS! On with the chapter~


(Name)'s POV~

Ever since I had confirmed that Grace had been cheating on Sting, I started living in fear. Fear of Sting finding out and fear of Grace doing who knows what to me for telling Minerva, Yukino and Rogue.

(Name): Good morning, Tempester

Tempester: Good morning, need help today as well?

(Name): Its okay, I can handle it. Just need the door open and the clean up to be handled by you, if it's possible?

He smiled and nodded, walking towards the kitchen and opening it. We waved goodbye as I started preparing breakfast.

After some time, I saw the lights being turned on. Everyone were awake. I sighed and plated up everything just before everyone flooded out into the dining hall.

Along with Yukino and Minerva, who offered to help, we gave up the food. I then joined Mr. Jiemma at the front.

(Name): As you know, this is the last day that you have here, tomorrow we're leaving. That's why you're allowed to do absolutely anything today.

Jiemma: Go crazy, but not too crazy. For now, dig in!

Everyone cheered and chowed down. I adjusted my scarf and slightly bowed at Mr. Jiemma before making my way towards my friends.

Oh, dammit, I forgot my badge...

Having a seat, I smiled at everybody before again joining my hands in front of my face. This time, all my friends, except Grace, joined me.

(Name): Itadakimasu!

Sting: Itadakimasu!


Sting stared at them before face palming and laughing quietly.

Sting: Are you serious, I told you how to say it today morning. Did you forget already?

He held back laughter while trying to keep a straight face, which I found pretty hilarious.

Rogue: So wait, what was it?

Sting: Itadakimasu

Minerva: Oh!

They looked at me sheepishly before trying it again, this time doing it right. I giggled lightly before we all picked up our forks and spoons and started eating.

Grace was already eating, with an annoyed, disgusted expression. We all ignored her as we continued our weird conversations.


(Name): Thanks Tempester!

Tempester: No probs

I smiled and joined the rest of my group. Sting made his way next to me, rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his throat lightly, catching my attention.

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