Chapter 1

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'Bullying', I thought.

Such a small word for anyone who hears it, but for people like me, bullied people, it means so much more than a few letters combined together to form a word. No; it meant physical abuse, merciless laughs, mocking words, insults; it meant insecurity, cutting, self-hate, low self-esteem, but most importantly, it meant power. Power over me. My bullies had power over me. They did what they wanted with me; tripped me, slapped, punched, threw things at me, mocked me...

But the worst thing about my bullying was that it never came from enemies , but from people I once called friends, people I once trusted.

You probably have figured by now that I am a depressed girl, who's thinking about suicide, but you think it is because of my bullying alone, but no, it isn't. Bullying is just a part of the reply to the 'Why?' question. There are much worse reasons, which I am going to reveal to you now.

Word count: 166.

AND THIS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER! I know it's short, screw that, it's just a few words. But don't worry I'll be posting the second chapter tomorrow.

Check the instagram account: short.stories7 for more information.

Until next update, love and kisses to all you beautiful readers.

-Crazywriter1 xoxo

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