Chapter Ten

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Twilight's POV (HA)

I'm dead. I'm in a happier place, my life is over, I'm definitely dead. I am so, so so....

Ow. That hurt. ALOT. Wait... if I'm dead, how can I feel pain? Oh no... What did I do wrong in life? I groaned and opened my eyes, but it didn't feel like it. I was in complete darkness. I blinked a couple times before standing up and stretching. "Hello?" I called, trying to rub the goosebumps on my arms away.

I sighed and walked what I was assuming was forward... Right into a wall. "Ow!" I yelped, jumping back and rubbing my head. So I'm definitely not dead... but where am I? How did I get here? I tried to remember why I was here but.. It was blank.

I know I'm down here for a reason, but it seems like my mind has just been completely erased. It was all blank. "Hello?" I called once again. "Is anyone there?" There was silence for a couple minutes, but then... footsteps. Multiple footsteps. Footsteps echoing off the walls, and there definitely were more then ten people making those footsteps. "Hello?" I called out again, and suddenly there was light. Everywhere, all around me, and it was blinding. But only for a moment.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw people. Multiple people. But something about them felt... weird. Was it their clothing? No, they were wearing normal clothes. Was it the lack of wings? No, it wasn't that. I couldn't even tell if these people were magical. As I scanned their bodies, my eyes eventually met their faces... and I gasped in surprise.

They had no pupils... or anything in their eyes for that matter. Their eyes were completely black, and little specks shimmering in their eyes made it look like they held the universe. I gulped as I also realized that they didn't have a nose or mouth, just blank skin. Some of them had hair, but most of them didn't... and as they got closer I could feel the magic radiating off of them, but it wasn't the type of magic that I would ever want to get involved in.

"Hello?" I tried to say, but it only came out as a whisper. They all looked at me with their voids of eyes, and I suddenly felt very self conscious. I gulped as I looked around, and I was about to ask another question but found that it wouldn't come out. I tried once more, but my voice didn't seem to be working. What is happening to me?! I thought, and I would have screamed if I could talk, for I got a response.

Don't fight it, Someone told me in my mind, and I made a little mind scream. How'd you get in my head! I yelled. I looked up at all the voids staring at me and found one in particular that seemed to be staring at me a little more intensely. It was a girl, one of the few who had hair. Her voids seemed a little more blue, and when I looked at them, they seemed to have a faint brush of color.

She must be the leader, I thought. You are correct, the voice said back, and I mentally cursed myself for forgetting. Get. Out. Of. My. HEAD! I mind yelled, and I heard a faint little chuckle as the female shook her head. How else are we supposed to talk? I groaned as I looked around. Everybody was staring at me, now only if I could remember the reason why I was down here!

We took your memory, The girl said, reading my mind. WHAT?! I yelled, and I shook my head, trying to get her out of my head. I fell to my knees and thrashed my head wildly, trying without result to get her out of my head. Don't fight it, she said, and I realized that the people slowly formed a circle around me as I was having my little attack.

I was trapped.

No, I thought, shaking my head and standing back up. I will fight it. I will NOT stay down here. Whatever you people want, count me out, because I need to get back up there! The little voice chuckled again as the girl moved closer to me. Answer me this Twilight, She said through my mind. How do you know my name?! I asked, but she ignored the question as she came up next to me.

Why do you need to get up there? She asked. I shook my head, trying to block her out. I shut my eyes as I tried to think. I tried to push her back, out of my mind. This is my mind, I thought, and for once I didn't hear her little voice. My mind. No one comes in here but me. I opened my eyes to see the female looking at me intently, as if her life depended on it. "Remember," I mouthed, since my voice wasn't working. "Remember. Remember. Remember." I kept chanting that until I heard a faint noise come out of my mouth.

The girl looked at me before taking a step back. "Remember," I whispered, and I closed my eyes once more, trying to get rid of the blank whiteness that consumed most of my brain. "Remember," I said, smiling that my voice was back. I opened my eyes to see the girl back in the circle.

Your strong, she said through the mind bond, and I gasped. But not strong enough. You can't keep me out Twilight, no matter how hard you try. I suddenly felt an extreme amount of pain surge through my body as I sunk to my knees and screamed with my real voice.  The pain was everywhere, From the last hair on my head to my toes.  I screamed out again as tears rolled down my cheeks. 

Remember,  I told myself, shaking my head and clamping my eyes shut.   I was panting as I looked up at all the people.  Their bodies were pulsing, heads tilted up and arms out.  I gulped as sweat combined with tears trickled down my face.  I planted one foot on the ground, then the other as I tried to stand up.  I was unsteady and hunched, but it worked.  I hugged myself as the pain got worse, but I did not fall back down.  I gasped as the pain got worse and worse, but I could  still talk. 

"Give," I gasped as my head started pounding.  "Memory. Me. Back."  I know what I was saying didn't make any sense, but I need my memory back.  I need to know why I'm down here and how to get out.  "I am stronger than you!"  I yelled out as the pain got worse.  I felt myself sink to my knees as more tears flooded out.  "Don't do this," I whispered, and just as I felt myself lying down, possibly never to get back up again, I saw a flash.

A memory, a little bit of it anyways.  I'm flying with a girl, a girl with wings. She's holding me.  Then I'm thrown.  And the girl falls.  But just as quick as it came, it's gone.  That's all I was able to remember.... who is the girl?  She fell somewhere as we were flying over something, and I saw she had something in her wing.  It was shiny, and looked sharp as it was causing her to stop flying.  

This girl risked her life for me.  Were we close?  Was she my friend?  I shut my eyes as I remained in my crouched position.  "Please,"  I whispered, and I could taste the tears on my tongue.  "Please, another memory..."

Then it came.  They all did.  It wasn't in chronological order, but they all came back, rushing through my head.  Vivid colors and memory suddenly filled my head, and they went in and out of my mind, confusing me yet making me feel like I have achieved something big.  I looked around at the bodies and one by one, the pulsing got slower. And slower. And slower util it just stopped.  I tried to get my thoughts together as I just realized what has happened.  

A girl. Wings. Raven. Bear. A candy shop, an alley way.  Tabitha. Rain. I shook my head as I tried to figure out what was happening, but it all came so quickly and jumbled up I couldn't figure it out.  The information I had wasn't too helpful either,  as it was just what I was assuming was names.  

"I beat you,"  I panted, looking up but was surprised when the girl wasn't there anymore.  No you haven't, she said through my mind, and just as she said that I felt a greater pain in my back. It was greater than I've ever felt, and I collapsed, as kneeling was impossible when breathing was extremely hard.  I panted short breaths, and I closed my eyes before opening them and looking behind me to see the girl standing there, voids staring down at me.  

I looked at my back and saw the same exact shiny thing that was in the girl's wing, the one carrying me over some... hole.  I gasped in pain at the sight of my own blood and I turned away, closing my eyes and breathing lightly, trying to save my breath.  

No way I'm surviving this.

Everybody is dying huh?  Guess who's POV is coming up next... BEAR'S!!!

Yea, I'm being kinda mean, aren't I?  Well here, some survive alright, I was going to do a different POV but I feel like I've kinda been neglecting Bear, so that is going to be a pretty long chapter....   But yea hope you guys are enjoying!!

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