Chapter Sixteen

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Raven's POV

"You couldn't save me," he said quietly, his eyes reflecting the fire.  I felt a single tear fall down my face as I looked down at my hands, feeling very tired.  "I had one option,"  I mumbled, not looking up.  "It was you or her.  It wasn't easy, but it was obvious."  I felt his eyes bore into the side of my head, and I knew at that moment that I did the right thing.   

"You couldn't save me,"  He said, and I looked up at him.  "You said that already,"  I said, another tear rushing down my face.  He got up, running his hands through his hair.  "I had it all Raven!"  He yelled, pacing back and forth.  He stopped at the wall, shaking his head.  "I had you," He said, almost so quiet I didn't hear.  I looked away, shaking my head.  It was too late.

He punched the wall before turning around to face me, fury burning in his eyes. "I hate you!"  He yelled, and I got up, backing away.  He growled and rushed towards me, his hands into fists and his eyes turning pitch black.  

I screamed before holding up my hands and turning away from him, shielding my face with my own hands.  I waited one, two, three seconds before looking up. There he was, but he wasn't moving.  He was stuck in midair, his face in the same position.  I gulped before looking down at my own hands. They were glowing, and as I walked towards him his eyes followed me.  

"I'm sorry," I said, raising my hands.  His eyes held anger and emptiness as a glow emitted from my hands, lowering him to the ground. He immediately lunged towards me, but I turned away and raised my hand, stopping him once more.  With a swish of my hand, he flew into the wall and exploded into tiny dust particles.  The glow weakened and eventually shimmered out, and I fell to my knees, tears cascading from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Thorn," I whispered, closing my eyes and collapsing onto the ground.

I screamed and bolted upright, falling to the floor.  I groaned as my eyes went in and out of focus, the realization of the dream hitting me.  I sat up and looked up at the ceiling before looking down at my hands.  They felt tingly, and some nights they glowed blue. 

The official was sitting in a chair across the room, his mouth wide open.  "Incredible!"  He said before jumping up and stretching his wings.  I groaned before laying back down on the ground.  

It's been three weeks since Laina, Elisa and I came back from the Cliffs.  The girls were alright, being embraced into society and even found their family members from so long ago.  I, on the other hand, started having what we refer to as 'The Dreams' the night we returned.  After the first week, I started talking to myself in my sleep. The second week is when I started flying in my sleep, and the third week is when my hands started glowing and I used magic in my dream.  

Once the second week reached however, my mom became concerned and sent me off somewhere so they could "fix me."  I groaned before rubbing my sore head from where I hit it.  "When can I leave?"  I asked, ignoring his remark. He sighed before sitting back down, rubbing his eyes. I haven't seen Laina, Elisa, or Twilight since we came back, and I wanted to find  Bear as quickly as possible.  

The official ignored me as he continued to write into his clipboard.  "I'll be back in just two minutes," The man said, not answering my question.  I rolled my eyes again and got up off the ground, stretching out my wings.  I winced as the wing I landed on tingled a bit, but I rubbed it away as I looked around the room.  No windows, one way out, one bed that  I wasn't ever in anyways, and a plastic chair the official sits on.  That's it. 

I went towards the door and jiggled the door handle. Locked.  It always was.  But I had to get out of here, which is why I had a plan.  They didn't always know exactly what I was dreaming about, and sometimes I had two dreams in one night.  

I had a dream once about my shadow telling me how to escape.  I was going to try it out right now.  Since I was always monitored by cameras, I had to be stealthy about it.  I only had one second, so I had to be quick.  I stretched my wings out, their tips almost touching the wall opposite me.  I flew up, not looking at the cameras following me around.  Once I was right above the door, I pressed my body against the cold wall, trusting my conscious that this would work.

The cameras turned back and forth, the people controlling them obviously confused.  "Raven?"  They called out through the loudspeaker.  I smiled as footsteps could be heard outside my door.  The door unlocked and the official burst in, short of breath.  Please work, I thought to myself as my official looked around from the doorway, confused.  He tentatively stepped inside, and after he was in the middle of the room, I took my chance.  

Making sure I was quick, I dropped down onto the floor and ran out of the door.  "Bye!"  I yelled just as my official turned around, his eyes wide.  He ran towards the door arms outstretched, but he was too late.  I slammed the door shut and locked it.  That would hold him for a while.  "Raven!"  He pleaded.  "Don't go!  You know you can't! Your dangerous!"  I ignored his words and turned around, away from the door.  

I had no clue where I was going, but I sprinted down the hall, the ugly hospital dress I've been forced to wear flailing behind me.  I heard bustling ahead of me, and my hands felt tingly again.  I looked down at them; they were glowing blue.  Ready?  A voice said in my head.  I gasped and nearly slowed, but didn't as I realized what I had to do. "Who are you!"  I whispered out, and the voice responded back,  Just listen. I won't stay for long.  Everyone gets this in the beginning.  Just trust me.  I nodded before sighing and running into a crowded lounge, people of all types sitting in chairs. 

Some people screamed, others just looked at me in awe, but most people didn't even look up.  The people who were monitoring me on the cameras came up behind me, and I let the voice in my head control me.

I raised my hands as they began to pulse, and that was when a wave shot out of them, throwing the people chasing me back. I gulped before looking down at my hands.  What medicine did they give me?  I ignored everyone before running out the doors and stretching my wings, flying upwards.  I looked down at my hands, confused yet in awe at the same time.

Guess I have magic now.

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