Chapter 2

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Emily: No way!

I had told my friends about my family moving to Canada, and they all seemed surprised. 

Taylor: But your mom can't do that. We all promised to stay together all four years of high school

Madison (Me): That's what I told my mom, but... *sigh* 

Sky: Well, I guess we can't do anything about it. I'm just really gonna miss you <3

Emily: Yeah, it won't be the same without you 

Me: Hold up guys! I'm not leaving yet

Taylor: We're getting ahead of ourselves here

The bell rang initiating our 1st period class. 

Me: See you guys at lunch

Taylor, Emily, and Sky: Bye!

*Skips to the end of school*

I went to my locker to get my stuff. 

Carlos: Hey Maddie ;)

I didn't have to turn around to figure out who it was. It was Carlos. 

Me: *sighs* I don't like it when you call me by my nickname. What do you want?

Carlos: Ohhh, harsh. Aren't you happy to see me? How about a kiss?

He leaned in to kiss me, but I swatted him away. 

Me: Will you stop!

Carlos: Maddie, if we were together, you wouldn't have to teat me like this. 

Let's just say Carlos isn't the type of boyfriend you would want to have.(1)because he's a player, (2) all the girls in school like him,(3) he's the "popular" guy, and (4) he's not my type. 

Me: It'll be worse, so if you'll excuse me...

As I walked away, Carlos yelled after me. 

Carlos: See ya sugar.

I walked to the entrance where my friends were waiting. 

Taylor: What took you so long?

Me: Nothing. Just Carlos again

Emily: That moron. Doesn't he get that you don't like him?

Sky: You know even though I don't like Carlos, your lucky to have a popular guy chasing you around

Me: It's also pretty damn annoying >:(

Emily: He'll understand one day, so changing the subject, we decided that we should go for some froyo. You in?

Me: Sure

I called my mom telling her I was going out with my friends. We started heading towards the froyo place. 

*Later that day*

After finishing some homework, I went with my mom to the airport. It started to rain really hard and there was traffic. 

Me: Sooo... why are we going?

Mom: I need to see what day we're leaving

Me: Now! 

Why now? Can't she wait. I don't want to know what day we're leaving. 

Mom: Sweetie, I know you don't want to leave. It's gonna be really hard for me and your father as well. Your sister doesn't want to leave her friend Betsy, but we have to. It's for the good of our family. You'll make new friends, and the schools are great. 

Me: You don't understand...

Mom: I do understand honey, but we're gonna move whether you like it or not. 

Me: *sigh* 

Once we got to the airport, we hurried on inside. We went to one of the desks. I decided to sit in a nearby chair. After what seemed like hours, my mom came over. 

Mom: Ok, so I got the tickets and we are leaving on June 18

Me: What!

That's like in three weeks! The day is approaching, and it'll come fast. We walked outside in the storming rain. I was not happy at all. Only three more weeks 'till we leave. "Fuck", I thought. 

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I'm sorry it was kinda short, but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. Love you all <3 Bye lovebugs! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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