Chapter 1

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(Loren's P.O.V)
I'm running full speed away from the kingdom called Locksville, adrenaline rushing through my veins as my tangled black hair flows behind me. I turn my head to see a blur of about three guards dressed in white chasing after me yelling something I can't decipher. When they start gaining on me I realize I should focus on getting away and whip my head back around to face front once more and pull the hood of my white cloak over my head. I see the edge of the town coming and pick up my speed more than ever. I get into the forest where my horse is tied and I mount the beautiful white beast, and in one swift movement, I'm galloping away, with a pouch of heavy jewels in hand. When I think I'm far enough away from the guards, I stop at a small stream and turn to see nothing but vegetation and a few boulders. "Thank god" I say with a sigh of relief. I swing my legs over my horse's heaving sides and tie him to the tree, I'm going to set up camp here.


After gathering some nuts and berries to eat, I set up a tarp to sleep under, and start to wander around looking for dry fallen branches and twigs to start a fire. As I venture deeper into the forest I notice plants growing that I've never seen before and I get a very eerie feeling. They were giant spiraling pieces of dark wood with long sharp thorns sprouting out and winding around the dry branches forming a wall. I look around and in both directions and it seems to go on forever. As I move closer to the wall my ears start to ring louder and louder and I scream in pain, and my knees begin to feel weak. I drop to the forest floor, feeling very heavy. My eardrums are exploding from my head.


I wake up to the smell of mildew and the sound of metal cups banging against cell bars and I groan in pain. My eyes suddenly flicker open, and an awful feeling overcomes my body when I realize where I am.
A dungeon?
'Who's dungeon could I possibly be in?' I think to myself. I go to stand up when I feel a heavy weight around my ankles and I look down to see shackles tightly chained to my body and I hear a voice from the bed above mine, "Good morning princess," they say in a small feminine voice "You've been out for quite some time dear." I then see two bare, veiny feet swing off the bed and onto the ladder, followed by a pudgy old woman. I barely manage to push the out words "H-how long was I out? Who are you?" My voice was raspy and my throat was dry. I clear my throat and the woman hands me a cup filled with water, which I take selfishly and gulp down in two swallows. "I'm Helen and you've been out for nearly 3 days dearie, I'm surprised you're not dead." I gasp and she lets out a little snicker "It's not funny." I hiss at her, and she lets out another small laugh. I sigh and ask, "Where are we?" my curiosity getting the better of me. "Why honey, we're in Queen Alyx's dungeon." The woman replies simply. "Queen who??" I ask confused. I haven't heard the name once in my life. Before the woman could answer two guards dressed in black armor, with a red symbol on the front somewhat resembling a rose came in and took the woman away, leaving me with my confusion and many unanswered questions. I then leaned against the cold rough stone walls in front of the barred door and slid down to the floor giving a loud sigh, when suddenly everything got quiet. Not knowing what was going on I slowed my breathing and looked around through the bars to the best of my ability when I heard the click of heels coming down the corridor at a steady speed and I see a beautiful woman approaching. Suddenly the world goes in slow motion and my jaw drops as my eyes scan every inch of her body. First I saw the base of her obsidian colored dress, it was loose fitting at her feet and calves and tightened around her gorgeous thighs and bottom. As I made my way up the dress I saw the plunging neckline that went down to just above her belly button with black mesh covering between her breasts, at this point, I'm fairly certain I'm drooling. Just as my eyes make their way to the leather accents on her shoulders I hear in a slightly deep, yet still feminine and sexy voice say, "You may want to close your mouth. You wouldn't want to catch flies, would you?" I snap out of my gaze and look her dead in her icy blue eyes and shake my head, which must've been a mistake because she looked angry. "Don't look me in the eyes peasant!" She spat at me. I immediately looked at her chin, when she slowly nodded in approval and she started towards my cell door. Even though I couldn't see her eyes I felt her staring at me and chills slowly started to creep up my back. "Rise" she said calmly. I obeyed and stood up slowly with my head bowed in submission. "Why are you here peasant? You're dressed in white but you don't look like you're from Locksville, kingdom of the light." I continued to look at her chin as I spoke, "I'm not from Locksville. I stole their treasured jewels and one of their finest horses." The blonde woman smiles through her scarlet lips revealing beautiful white teeth, but as she does so my mind wanders and the next thing I know a small blonde maid who hadn't noticed before, is ordered to prepare a room, and get me cleaned up. Then with the swift flick of the enchanting woman's wrist I heard a click that unlocked my cell door, and released my shackles. Alyx took one last long look at me. I watched her criticizing eyes scan me from head to toe, and in a quick moment she flicked her wrist and disappeared into a cloud of red smoke that smelled faintly of roses.
'This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder' I think to myself. "I'm Kate, and you are?" The small blonde maid said sweetly. "I'm Loren." I say snapping out of my daze "That's a lovely name. Will you follow me to your room?" She smiled and I nodded. We exited my cell and started down a the long corridor until we got to two sets of stairs going in opposite directions. We went up the stairs on the left side and when we got to the top, Kate opened the door and a sudden burst of natural light came through and I rubbed my eyes to help them readjust when I heard a chuckle from Kate, which I decided not to acknowledge. When they were fully adjusted I looked around to see a beautiful a beautiful red rug with gold and black detailing and a golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling. This didn't seem like the dark kingdom I made it out to be in my head. We started up a short flight of stairs and we were in another corridor, we kept heading straight and we came to a room with a black wood door. Kate opened it and there was a beautiful four post bed with black bedsheets on the left side of the room. On the right ride there was a matching black wardrobe and vanity next to another door. "Here's your room!" She smiled and started to head towards the other door and I followed. It was a bathroom. "Go ahead and get cleaned up. I will do your hair and makeup, but please try to hurry, Queen Alyx is expecting you for lunch." She then exited the my chambers. I then started to wonder out loud, "Why would she want me for lunch? I was her prisoner just moments ago."

Author's Note:
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback! I'll try to update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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