●Chapter 2

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Nobody else gets to live your life.
You're the artist.
Paint your picture.
Dream your own masterpiece into being.
      -Anna Taylor

Words: 3,024

Not edited

Thinking about the worst in the future was something that made me sick to the stomach. My mind would never really focus just on the present. It would immediately go back to the past, or like I said, think of the worst in the future. Like for example; Abel finally getting Valerie back, but having to leave me behind in the dust during the process.

I was at home. My body laid down on teal blue duvet covers, limbs spread out carelessly while my hair had a mind of its own. I had planned to get up to tie it up. Made that plan fifteen minutes ago before laziness decided to trap me down with chains on the bed.

I wasn't alone though. Homework papers, laptop, and textbooks were enjoying the bed as well. The uncompleted homework assignments were mocking me. I had thought long about just completing them later tonight. After I was done catching up on shows, replying to Snapchats, stalking Instagram pages, and eating of course.

Abel wasn't at school today, neither was Logan. It had been two days since we'd talked, ever since then, I haven't seen him. Abe had contacted me with a few text messages after school about what I was up to, and if I could stop by after school since he wasn't there. I had denied, knowing that I actually had to get work done and start reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. I knew that if I stopped by, I'd end up staying there, and getting absolutely nothing done.

My phone dinged on the dresser, but I didn't pay much attention to it, knowing that I would check it out later. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, pushing annoying strands back with a small sigh leaving my parted lips.

I've never felt so bored....

A knock on my door had my head high and towards the direction of the door before the knob turned and the door slowly opened. A head popped out and I grinned, "Mom, hey." She must've just gotten back from work. I slid my legs off the bed and got up, walking towards her, "Everything okay?"

She opened the door fully and allowed herself in, "Yeah, just came to check up on you. Abel and his mother doing okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're good. Abel wasn't at school today though, but for a good reason I guess." I had laughed during the last few words and her smile appeared. My mom and I didn't talk much, so whenever we did, it would start off awkward before we start to relax around each other. She was busy with work, and I understood that. If she wasn't, we wouldn't have a home, the money, the food. She was doing everything to keep our little family between her and I together.

Sure, I would be upset that she wouldn't have time for me on some days when I needed her the most, but it wouldn't take me very long to get over it and move on, "I'm going to start on dinner, okay? Lasagna and salad. Is that good for you?" I opened my mouth to speak, but ended up biting the inside of my cheek and nodding instead, "Great, if you want to help out, please don't think twice about it."

She exited the room and I had let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I turned and peered at the clock on the wall across the room. 7:33pm. The time was moving slow. I had wanted the day to quickly go by so I could meet up with Logan tomorrow if he was there. I had thought that he and I could talk. But my mind had went straight to thinking about the future.

What if he pushed past me, or ignored me when I wanted to talk? What if the talk went wrong? Thinking about positive things usually wouldn't help me calm down in a way, I just always stuck to the negative and got myself prepared for it. If nothing my negative thoughts had predicted happened, then I called it luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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