Chapter Fourteen

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-Rae's P.O.V-

Once the car started a steady pace I took a deep breath.
"When I was 20 I fought in a war to save Olympus. I almost died, for the first time. After that I went on three quests, then got sent to Camp Jupiter. I went on a quest with two Romans named Frank and Hazel. Again, almost died a couple of times. Then the Greeks showed up, but Leo blew up a pretty good portion of the camp while he was possessed by minions of Gaea. I got burned on the right shoulder really bad because I pushed Percy out of the way of a blast. Then it turned out that Leo, Jason, Percy and I where all possessed my Gaea's minions. Piper daughter of Aphrodite charmspoke them away though. And then Annabeth had to go on a separate quest to retrieve the Parthenon from the giant spider lady, in the mean time me, Percy, Jason, and Piper almost drowned, even though I'm a Poseidon kid. Then, we went to go help Annabeth, blew a hole in the roof of the cavern she was in, and started retrieving the Parthenon." I paused taking a shaky breath. "What we didn't know, was their was a hole in the ground their that fell straight into-into Tartarus. A piece of web was stuck on Annabeths foot, we didn't see it in time to cut it. I saw her falling first, I dove and grabbed her wrist. Then of course Percy dove after us, Gods that boy. He grabbed my wrist. He-he grabbed a ledge and he was holding us all up. All three of us. But- but- oh Gods. He couldn't hold us all. So he told our friend Nico to meet us on the other side. And-and then we fell." I choked the words sticking in my throat "I-I can't I'm sorry maybe one day but not now. We got out, and went to Greece where the ceremony to wake Gaea would be. What I forgot to say was that Gaea needed two sacrifices to wake, one male one female. She wanted Percy and Annabeth, and I don't remember who exactly the girl was that got cut, maybe Piper, but Percy the idiot started the end of the world with a nose bleed." I chuckled, though it was strained. "Anyways, Gaea woke. She went to go wipe out camp, so we flew there, and got there in time to join the fight. Octavian, the Roman arguer, bad dude killer of panda pillow pets, anyways he turned out to be working for Gaea, and he got caught on one of these giant catapult things and flew into the air and exploded. But I mean, he was a jerk no one liked him. He killed my Panda Pillow Pet. And Leo went and killed dirt face. He died too, but then came back to life after he saved his Girl Friend Calypso from her Island prison." I took a deep breath. "And then Apollo got kicked out of Olympus because his arguer was working with Gaea and he's on a quest with Leo and Calypso reclaiming the oracles." I took another deep breath. "And now I'm here." I sighed.
"Wow." Sam sighed.
"Dang kid.... you know-" Dean began.
"No. I don't want sympathy. I really just want to sleep." I interrupted. Dean nodded.
"Okay. What ever you say." He stated cooly. I then rolled over, and fake slept.

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