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I dressed myself in the finest clothing I have. I waited outside of the dorm with Tatsuya. We were called by grandfather that we are having a Dinner with everyone.. All my cousins. Tatsuya held my hand as we entered the car that drove up in front of us..

We joined Alice-ne and Ryo in the car..  I look beside me at Tatsuya and Alice-ne.. They are so beautiful in there dresses. I must look out of place.. I look down at myself. But I felt Ryo's breath on my ear.. " You look beautiful. " He pulled away and looked out the window.. I blushed a bright red as the other 2 girls stared at me.  They didn't see what Ryo did today in front of all the boys which I am grateful for but.. Now.. I'm scared that they will find out. but right at this moment.. I feel beautiful.. Just because he said those words to be, I believe them. I believe every word. I feel beautiful.

As we approached the mansion, Erina blushed seeing me.. I can almost see the scene replaying her mind and because of that, I blushed as well. I Ran to her and took her by the hand running ahead of the who group..

" Nee-chan.. Please i'll never ask for anything else but please.. Don't say anything.. I don't think Ryo plans to say anything.. I don't want to start anything... " I plead and she sighs. " Alright.. But you will talk to me about everything.. Ok Harumi?" She asks me and I sigh in relief.. " Thank you so much Nee-chan.. !" I hug her and she hesitates but hugs me back..

" I'm glad to see that you to are getting along but dinner is serves. " Alice says to me as we nod. " Harumi-chan, I'll find out what you and Ryo are hiding from me.." She smiled as I gulped. Alice-ne is also very scary when provoked.

Anyways, WE all sat down and ate dinner silently.. Tension all around the table.. Maybe because Grandfather wont stop staring at Ryo and Ryo is completely ignoring him.. I sinking in my chair because of the tension.

Ryo don't do anything stupid..

And once again, I should have knocked on wood.

" Mr.. do you need something?" He asked thinking about nothing. He looked completely bored out of his mind.

A vain popped out of his head. I can see the white in his eyes. I gulp.

" Isn't there something you should be asking me?" He asked.. I know exactly where this is going..

" Grandpa... Ryo and I aren't.." Ryo interrupted me..

" Oh.. You mean that.. " He thought for a moment.

" ah.. Harumi is mine.. and i'm hers. " He simply stated as Tatsuya spit out the water she was drinking.. He wiped her mouth with a napkin muttering an apology.

" Isn't it proper to ask her guardian for permission first.. " Grandfather holding up his patience.

" No.. I'm marrying her yet.. so.. I don't see why I should be asking for your permission. " He continues to eat his food like there is nothing wrong.. Everyone is stiff. No one ever argues back to grandfather.

" In Japan, Your supposed to ask permission before you date some ones daughter. Especially if your going to be with them acting like a couple.. " Alice-ne explained to him with a playful smirk..

" We already act like a couple, Why bother even asking now.. " He actually looked confused.. I cover my face..

don't do it Ryo.. Your asking for a death wish.

" What do you mean act like a couple, I've only ever see you to walking together. " Hisako says and Erina steps on her foot.

Everything is over.. Our lives are over.

Ryo started to count on his fingers. " We've held hands. I've hugged her, I've kissed her, she's hugged me, and I protect her. " He kept going but grandfather choked when Ryo said the magic word. Everyone looked to me for confirmation. I nod slightly.

" There were a lot of boys calling at me and Ryo came to rescue me.. and that's when he kissed me.. " I whisper as Grandfather sighed.. His hand on his forehead..

" I'm too old to be raising teenagers. .. Listen here boy.. " And grandfather went on and on about everything you could ever talk about on this topic as Tatsuya bombarded me with questions as Alice-ne sprung around completely excited. Ryo looked at me bored as he half listened to Grandfather. I smiled at him..

' I'm going to strangle you' I mouth and he mouths back.. ' no'

As dinner end.. My cousins and sister are laughing and talking about me. I just look down at the ground feeling completely dead.. Too much interaction with people for one day.. I suddenly feel Ryo wrap his arm around my waist.

" We're a couple. " He plainly states. " Ok.. Alright.. Just don't go saying that to the people of the world. " I sigh.. I don't even have the energy to argue with him. I can hear the other girls squealing form behind me.

I'm to tired for this..

" Alice-ne.....You are no longer on my like list. I'm never telling you any of my secrets again. Thought I'd tell you. " I stated as she pouted. I smile as Erina comes to tell me good night.

" Good night Nee-chan. " I whisper as she hugs me.. " Good night. "

I decide to walk back to the dorm and Ryo decided to walk me back and in the dark, I remember those eyes.

" Ryo.. Were you that person who saved me in the dark? " I ask and he thinks for a moment..

He nods.  I smile.. He's been my knight in shining armor since the beginning.


Yoshino-san ran up to me in the stands.

" You to kissed!! The whole school is talking about it!!" She yelled jumping on me.. Fear washes over me. My face completely red..

" I kissed her.. " Ryo says from behind me.. I see his bandana on..

Not good

" Cause she's mine. " He pulls me to his chest.

I look up and suddenly his lips are on mine again..

" RYO!"

He just smirks with a devilish smirk.

" This beauty is mine!!" He laughs

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