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Beau walked me to a huge building filled with people. It had different working out machines, a huge mat where, I would guess, angels were fighting, and a lot of more things. I could feel so much emotion around the training facility, one that I couldn't sense while I was in the fields of Heaven. Beau looked at me with a smile on his face and then shook his head.

"Determination, will, power, happiness, justice. Which one are you feeling?" Beau asked as he took my left hand and laid it against my own heart. I looked up to him and then around the training facility. Then to my hand, lying on my heart. "All of them." I said with a heavy yet powerful sigh.

"This isn't a normal gym, or training facility. This one is just for the angels, this is the Potestatem building. Every feeling and emotion that is beating against you, is theirs. Every one of these angels are training for something, either saving a human or killing a demon or so much more Lizzie."

I looked around the facility again, and saw some of them with different weapons, all were different from each other. I looked at Beau, but he was already looking at me. Curious at what I had to ask.

"Why can I sense their emotions? They all have weapons, why are they all different? And overall," I looked around noticing something particular, "wings, why don't they have wings?"

Beau started walking and I followed him. I could feel his emotions, they were all happy and curious. We walked into a hallway and turned right. Beau opened a humongous door, let himself in as I walked behind him. My jaw slowly hung open as I saw a very long white corridor filled with different doors. Beau shut the door closed which snapped me out of my daze.

"God gave humans certain rules but overall freedom. The same rules apply to angels, just in different ways." He said as I felt my chest get heavier knowing that some dramatic shit was coming my way.

"I'm so confused, how does this answer my questions?" He looked at me, his bright green eyes changing to an even brighter color, smiling and then looking at the doors. He put his arms behind his back, flexing his muscles while at it.

"Choose the door you want, and one of your questions will be answered." He said closing his eyes and resting his head against the door that lead us to this. I turned around facing the doors knowing that he would now ignore me. I started to walk along the corridor, counting each door until I reached the last one. Seven doors, yet I didn't know which one to choose.

Getting frustrated, I opened the seventh one. But it didn't open. I kept pushing but it wouldn't budge. "The biggest mistakes humans make is using impulse as their conscious, they don't double think. You my friend are no longer a human, think about consequences, about how it will affect you if you don't make the right choice." Beau's voice ran in my head, I looked towards him and he hadn't moved.

"Perks of being an angel, we can talk through our heads. Keep looking for what you need, not what you want." I took a step back and asked Beau what was it that I needed? What was I looking for? But he didn't answer. I slowly walked through each door, carefully examining them trying to find something that I didn't know what it was. I walked back and reached Beau and looked at him.

"What am I looking for?" I asked him desperately.

"You have no patience do you?" He asked opening one of his eyes. Beau sighed softly and stood up completely against the wall.

"Feel them."

I walked back to each door, trying to see what would happen if I touched them. The first one, the second one, the third one, nothing. But I wanted to keep going because if I didn't, if I gave up this soon, what would God think of me? I slowly touched the fourth door, and once again nothing happened. I walked slowly to the fifth one, I caressed the door softly. I took a step back, and realized that this one was the one I wanted to open. I turned the golden colored knob but it didn't open.

"What would you use to open it?" Beau's voice talked in my mind. "Think about something that you would use to open the door, and imagine yourself doing it."

I bent down to see if the knob had a small hole for a key but it had none. I thought hard about what I could use but nothing came up. A knife? A hammer? Heck I ain't Harley Quinn! I stared at the door knob, thinking hard.


"A chain?" Beau asked in my head. "Well, imagine yourself with a chain and open it however you can."

Closing my eyes, I imagined big gray chains wrapped around my wrist, hands, fingers and the door knob. I opened my eyes finding those chains were I imagined them, and slowly I started pulling. With all my force I walked back. My torso stayed in place but my feet kept moving. Pushing back harder and harder.

"You almost got it Lizzie. Pull harder, move stronger." Beau screamed. I looked to see where he was but there was nothing around me. Just the door, the chains and I. I pulled harder, stepped stronger and pulled with everything. Not because I wanted to open the door, if not because I needed to. I could feel my arms burning with the hard work I was pulling, I could feel my heart beat going fast and sweat running down my fingers. Closing my eyes, I scram with all the energy I had and pulled.

I fell.

I hit the ground hard, with a thump! my legs still wobbling from the fall. I slowly regained my strength and stood up, finding Beau already in front of me. He scratched his head and then his neck. Rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"You done?" He asked with boredom.

"Are you getting paid for this?" I asked him noticing that he wasn't enjoying his job. "No, sadly, it's my duty." He turned around and walked around a round black table. I looked back, finding the door I was trying to open, closed. I was inside the room.

There were three boxes, all of which were closed. Beau was standing across them, with his arms behind his head making him look hotter. I ignored his arms and looked at the boxes. "Do I chose one?" I asked him and he nodded.

Without thinking it twice I giggled like a little girl and closed my eyes, gave a twirl and pointed with my right hand at whichever box it landed in. I opened my eyes and saw that my finger landed on the left box. Beau moved towards it and turned the box to me.

"Open it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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